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The Russian cheese market: state and development trends (артикул: 04125 29294)

Дата выхода отчета: 4 Сентября 2009
География исследования: Russia
Период исследования: 2009
Количество страниц: 111
Язык отчета: Английский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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    Main research objectives are:
    1. Environment and economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian cheese market.
    The research period is 2004-2009.
    2. Revelation of development tendencies of the Russian cheese market, expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to it in conditions of turbulent market environment.
    The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian cheese market are considered over near-term outlook.

    Information sources:
    1. Reports of Federal State Statistic Service, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, and data of Russian Federal Customs Service.
    2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
    3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West ».

    Outlook content:
    The marketing review “The Russian cheese market: state and development trends” is structured into five sections according to contents.
    The first section is devoted to description of general market characteristic, in particular: current situation; sale volumes of cheese production; general directions of preference, suggestion and demand; trade marks presented in the market; leading companies groups; crisis processes influence on development of the Russia cheese market and as a result existing problems. The analysis of the general cheese market state allowed to define the sizes and a market potential in kind and value terms.
    А number of the mentioned elements of the Russian cheese market is revealed in details in the subsequent paragraphs of the first and second sections, namely: industrial aspect; features of consumption and demand; segmentation and price factors; processes concerning sales of products, and cheese market counterparts.
    Also key financial estimated figures of leading market participants are presented in the review that allows in a sort to understand efficiency and productivity of their financial and economic activity.

    Considering, that the Russian cheese market is milk oriented, so its state analyzed against the milk market as a raw-material base.
    The participants of the foreign trade turnover, types of delivered products and their volumes in value terms and kind are presented in details in the third section.
    Besides estimations and opinions of market participants on current situations and general prospects of further development of the market and its segments are resulted in the report.

    Also forecasts in kind and value terms by basic, optimistic and pessimistic variants of development on such segments, as price, manufacture, capacity, import and export, and characteristic on leading players of the market including their key indicators of financial and economic activity are presented in the marketing review. Such aspects are included in the fourth and fifth sections of the report

  • Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта

    1. General characteristic of the Russian cheese market 2
     Current situation of the Russian cheese market  2
     Size of the Russian cheese market 3
     Cheese classification 6
     Problems of the Russian cheese market 11
    2. Features of the Russian cheese market 15
     The Russian milk market as a raw-material base for the Russian cheese market 15
     Cheese manufacturers 23
     Consumption and demand features 28
     Segmentation and price aspect 32
     Products sale 35
     Regional aspect 38
     Market participants estimations and opinions 39
    3. Structure of the Russian cheese market foreign trade turnover 44
     Cheese import (commodity group 0406) to Russia in 2008 52
     Cheese export (commodity group 0406) from Russia in 2008 57
    4. Tendencies of branch development of the Russian cheese market 60
     General trends in the market 60
     Market development forecast for the period 2009-2012 62
    5. Leading players of the Russian cheese market and their characteristic 79
     Leading cheese manufacturers  79
     Wholesale cheese trade leaders 89
     Retail cheese trade leaders 91
     Basic operators of foreign trade cheese turnover 95
  • Перечень приложений

    1.1. Cheese manufacture volumes in Russia in kind during 2004-2009(6)
    1.2. Cheese manufacture volumes in Russia in value terms during 2004-2009(6)
    1.3. The Russian cheese market capacity in kind during 2004–2008
    1.4. The Russian cheese market capacity in value terms during 2004–2008
    1.5. Comparative classification of cheese brands
    2.1. Price indexes of milk manufactures in Russia, in % by December of previous year
    2.2. Gross milk yield in Russia during 2008-2009 (Jan-May)
    2.3. Manufacture of some milk products types in Russia during 2008-2009 (Jan-May)
    2.4. Import of milk products to Russia in 2008-2009 (Jan-May)
    2.5. The largest cheese manufacturers in Russia (Top-20) detailed on annual turnover
    2.6. Key financial figures of cheese manufacturers in Russia
    2.7. Balance of suggestion and demand of cheese taking into account the warehouse rests at the end of the year in Russia during 2004-2010
    2.8. Average wholesale prices of cheese manufacturers in Russia during 2004-2008
    2.9 The largest wholesale cheese trade leaders in Russia (Top-10).
    2.10. Key financial figures of wholesale cheese trade leaders in Russia
    3.1. Foreign trade cheese turnover volumes in 2006-2009(5)
    3.2. Characteristic of foreign economic activity codes of Cheese commodity group
    3.3. Import and export cheese deliveries volumes in 2008 detailed on foreign economic activity codes
    3.4. Cheese deliveries volumes to Russia in 2008 detailed on consignors countries
    3.5. Import volume of cheese to Russia in 2008 detailed on consignees
    3.6. Deliveries volumes of cheese from Russia in 2008 detailed on consignees countries
    3.7. Export volumes of cheese from Russia in 2008 detailed on consignors
    4.1. The base forecast of average cheese manufacturers prices in 2009-2012
    4.2. The optimistic forecast of average cheese manufacturers prices in 2009-2012
    4.3. The pessimistic forecast of average cheese manufacturers prices in 2009-2012
    4.4. The base forecast of cheese manufacture in kind during 2009-2012
    4.5. The base forecast of cheese manufacture in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.6. The optimistic forecast of cheese manufacture in kind during 2009-2012
    4.7. The optimistic forecast of cheese manufacture in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.8. The pessimistic forecast of cheese manufacture in kind during 2009-2012
    4.9. The pessimistic forecast of cheese manufacture in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.10. The base forecast of capacity of the Russian cheese market in kind during 2009-2012
    4.11. The base forecast of capacity of the Russian cheese market in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.12. The optimistic forecast of capacity of the Russian cheese market in kind during 2009-2012
    4.13. The optimistic forecast of capacity of the Russian cheese market in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.14. The pessimistic forecast of capacity of the Russian cheese market in kind during 2009-2012
    4.15. The pessimistic forecast of capacity of the Russian cheese market in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.16. The base forecast of import cheese deliveries to Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.17. The base forecast of import cheese deliveries to Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.18. The optimistic forecast of import cheese deliveries to Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.19. The optimistic forecast of import cheese deliveries to Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.20. The pessimistic forecast of import cheese deliveries to Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.21. The pessimistic forecast of import cheese deliveries to Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.22. The base forecast of export cheese deliveries from Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.23. The base forecast of export cheese deliveries from Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.24. The optimistic forecast of export cheese deliveries from Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.25. The optimistic forecast of export cheese deliveries from Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.26. The pessimistic forecast of export cheese deliveries from Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.27. The pessimistic forecast of export cheese deliveries from Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    5.1. Estimated indicators of financial and economic activity of OOO KhoKhland-Russland
    5.2. Estimated indicators of financial and economic activity of ZAO Yantar
    5.3. Estimated indicators of financial and economic activity of ZAO Syrodel
    5.4. Estimated indicators of financial and economic activity of OAO Mozhgasyr
    5.5. Estimated indicators of financial and economic activity of OAO Ryzanskiy Zavod Plavlenykh Syrov
    5.6. A share of consignors countries of products for Solis in value terms during 2008
    5.7. Product and its share in import deliveries volume of Solis, (ТОР-10)
    5.8. The share of consignors countries of products for Valio in value terms during 2008
    5.9. Product and its share in import deliveries volume of Valio, (ТОР-10)
    5.10. The share of consignors countries of products for Milk Staf in value terms during 2008
    5.11. Product and its share in import deliveries volume of Milk Staf (ТОР-10)
    5.12. The share of consignors countries of products for Kompaniya Ellada in value terms during 2008
    5.13. Product and its share in import deliveries volume of Kompaniya Ellada (ТОР-10)
    5.14. The share of consignees countries of Vimm Bill’ Dann products in value terms during 2008 (ТОР-10)
    5.15. Product and its share in export deliveries volume of OOO Vimm Bill’ Dann (ТОР-10)
    5.16. The share of consignees countries of Khokhland Russland products in value terms during 2008
    5.17. Product and its share in export deliveries volume of OOO Khokhland Russland (ТОР-10)
    5.18. The share of consignees countries of Laktalis Vostok products in value terms during 2008 (ТОР-10)
    5.19. Product and its share in export deliveries volume of OOO Laktalis Vostok (ТОР-10)
    5.20. The share of consignees countries of Impeks Altay products in value terms during 2008
    5.21. Product and its share in export deliveries volume of OOO Impeks Altay
    1.1. Trend figures of cheese manufacture in Russia in kind during 2004-2008
    1.2. Trend figures of cheese manufacture in Russia in value terms during 2004-2008
    1.3. Trend figures of the Russian cheese market capacity in kind during 2004 – 2008
    1.4. Trend figures of the Russian cheese market capacity in value terms during 2004 – 2008
    2.1. Manufacturers shares on the Russian milk market, %
    2.2. Some dairy products shares on the Russian milk market, %
    2.3. Indexes of physical trade volume of whole-milk products in the Russian Federation (in percentage to previous year)
    2.4. The average prices of milk manufacturers across the Russian Federation in 2004-2008, rub/t
    2.5. The factors influencing on buyers choice on the Russian cheese market, %
    2.6. Cheese sales structure in Russia detailed on types in 2008-2009, %
    2.7. Price segments shares on the Russian cheese market, %
    2.8. Trend figures of average wholesale price of cheese manufacturers in Russia during 2004-2008, %
    2.9. Shares of various manufacturers in processed cheese segment in Russia, %
    2.10. Shares of distribution channels on the Russian cheese market (according to value terms)
    2.11. Physical volume indexes of cheese sale in Russia (in percentage to previous year)
    2.12. Shares of federal districts in cheese manufacture in 2008
    3.1. Trend figures of foreign trade cheese turnover in Russia in kind during 2006-2008
    3.2. Trend figures of foreign trade cheese turnover in Russia in value terms during 2006-2008
    3.3 The ratio of cheese export and import in Russia during 2006-2008 in kind
    3.4. The ratio of cheese export and import in Russia during 2006-2008 in value terms
    3.5. Consignors countries geography of cheese to Russia in 2008 in kind (TOP 10)
    3.6. Consignors countries geography of cheese to Russia in 2008 in value terms (TOP 10)
    3.7. Consignees countries geography of cheese from Russia in 2008 in kind (TOP 10)
    3.8. Consignees countries geography of cheese from Russia in 2008 in value terms (TOP 10)
    4.1. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of average prices of cheese manufacturers in 2009-2012
    4.2. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of cheese manufacture volumes in kind during 2009-2012
    4.3. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of cheese manufacture volumes in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.4. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of the Russian cheese market volumes in kind during 2009-2012
    4.5. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of the Russian cheese market volumes in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.6. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of import cheese deliveries volumes to Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.7. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of import cheese deliveries volumes to Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.8. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of export cheese deliveries volumes from Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.9. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of export cheese deliveries volumes from Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    5.1. Consignors countries geography of products for Solis in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    5.2. Consignors countries geography of products for Valio in 2008
    5.3. Consignors countries geography of products for Kompaniya Milk Staf in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    5.4. Consignors countries geography of products for Kompaniya Ellada in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    5.5. Consignees countries geography of Vimm Bill’ Dann Produkty pitaniya products in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    5.6. Consignees countries geography of Khokhland Russland products in 2008
    5.7. Consignees countries geography of Laktalis-Vostok products in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    5.8. Consignees countries geography of Impeks Altay products in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    1. Example of brief supplemental company information
    2. Analysis of estimated figures of financial and economic company activity
    3. Analysis of foreign trade company activities
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