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The grain market in Russia: state and development trends (артикул: 03739 29294)
Дата выхода отчета: |
5 Мая 2009 |
География исследования: |
Россия |
Период исследования: |
2003-2008 |
Количество страниц: |
83 |
Язык отчета: |
Английский |
Способ предоставления: |
электронный |
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Полное описание отчета
Main research objectives are:
1. Environment and economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian market of grain.
The research period is 2003-2008.
2. Revelation of development tendencies of the Russian grain market, expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to it in conditions of turbulent market environment.
The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian market of grain are considered over near-term outlook.
Information sources:
1. Reports of Federal State Statistic Service, Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Russian Federal Customs Service, United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service.
2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West ».
Outlook content:
This outlook is dedicated to description of grain market in Russia: state and development trends.
Outlook contains analysis of grain output with report on basic kinds of cultivated grain crops.
Key financial figures of Russian companies in sphere of manufacture, storage, warehousing and wholesale of grain trade are showed as well.
Outlook contains information of the Russian agriculture sector condition as source base of grain manufacture in Russia.
Question of import and export deliveries of grain products in Russia in 2008 is studied in details.
Also the review contains estimations and market participants’ opinions on occurring situations, and information on leading players of market including their key financial profit figures.
General conclusions:
The grain market in Russia is at a formation stage and characterized by steady positive development. In 2008 the market grew in 1.6 times in comparison with indicator of 2003.
The market attributes are irregular and unstable satisfaction of customer demand for grain crops in whole across Russia.
In turn Russia possesses necessary base for manufacture of all kinds of grain crops. More than 8000 enterprises are occupied with cultivation of grain, technical and other agricultural crops. Services in storage and grain warehousing render about 800 enterprises. Not less than 6000 enterprises are engaged in wholesale trade of grain in Russia.
The backbone factor of grain market appeal is the state of affairs in agrarian sector.
The market of grain in contrast to other foodstuffs has an important strategic value as grain is a basis of food country safety.
In the near-term outlook according to the state Program «Development of agriculture» the efforts will be directed on self- sufficiency of country with grain. An export potential in 2009 will be strengthened, by various estimations, at 60% against structural reorganization of grain farming.
Stage-by-stage realization by state of the Program «Development of agriculture and markets regulation of agricultural production, raw materials and food for 2008-2012» will result to a push of market development.
Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта
1 The grain market in Russia 2
2 State of agricultural sector of Russia as source base of grain manufacture in Russia 37
3 Analysis of import-export deliveries of grain in Russia in 2008 (commodity codes group 0713, 1006, 1008, 1103, 1104) 46
4 Development trends of grain market 59
5 Leading players of grain market 71
Перечень приложений
1.1. Croppage of grain crops (in weight after completion) in Russia in economy of all categories in 2003-2008
1.2. Croppage of grain crops (in weight after completion) in economy of all categories detailed on federal districts of Russia in 2006-2008
1.3. Manufacture of grain in Russia in 2007-2008
1.4. Realization of grain crops in Russia totally and detailed on separate distribution channels
1.5. Realization volume of grain crops by agricultural enterprises in 2008
1.6. Annual turnover of manufacturers of grain, technical and other agricultural crops (TOP-20)
1.7. Key financial figures of some manufacturers of grain, technical and other agricultural crops (TOP-20)
1.8. Annual turnover of manufacturers of flour-and-cereals industry (TOP-20)
1.9. Key financial figures of manufacturers of flour-and-cereals industry (TOP-20)
1.10. Annual turnover of manufacturers of cereals, meal, granules and other products of grain crops (TOP-20)
1.11. Key financial figures of manufacturers of cereals, meals, granules and other products of grain crops (TOP-20)
1.12. Annual turnover of grain elevators and granaries (TOP-20)
1.13. Key financial figures of grain elevators and granaries (TOP-20)
1.14. Annual turnover of wholesale agents of grain trade (TOP-20)
1.15. Key financial figures of wholesale agents of grain trade (TOP-20)
1.16. Annual turnover of wholesale enterprises of grain trade (TOP-20)
1.17. Key financial figures of wholesale enterprises of grain trade (TOP-20)
1.18. Prices on cereals of enterprises as of April 4, 2009
1.19. Manufacturers price indexes on cereals, grain crops and leguminous plants in 2009 (January-February)
1.20. Purchasing prices on wheat of grain companies, milling plants at transactions as of April 4, 2009
1.21. Purchasing prices on barley of grain and processing companies at transactions in 2009 (January-March)
1.22. Purchasing prices on rye of grain and processing companies at transactions in 2009 (January-March)
1.23. Purchasing prices on oats of grain and processing companies at transactions in 2009 (February-March)
1.24. Purchasing prices on corn of grain and processing companies at transactions in 2009 (January-March)
1.25. Purchasing prices on millet of grain and processing companies at transactions in 2009 (January-March)
1.26. Purchasing prices on buckwheat of grain and processing companies at transactions in 2009 (January-March)
1.27. Purchasing prices on peas of grain and processing companies at transactions in 2009 (January-March)
2.1. Areas under agricultural crops in 2003-2008 in economy of all categories
2.2. Manufacture of mineral fertilizers in recalculation on 100% of nutrients in 2006-2008, 2009 (January-February)
2.3. Manufacture of cars and equipment for agriculture in 2006-2008, 2009 (January-February)
2.4. Purchases of agricultural crops to intervention fund as of 02.04.2009
3.1. Characteristic of commodity group codes 0713, 1006, 1008, 1103, 1104
3.2. Volumes of import and export deliveries of grain production in 2008 detailed on commodity codes
3.3. Deliveries volumes of grain production to Russia in 2008 detailed on countries consignors (in kind and cost value)
3.4. Volumes of import deliveries of grain production to Russia in 2008 (TOP-20)
3.5. Deliveries volumes of grain production from Russia in 2008 detailed on countries consignees (in kind and cost value)
3.6. Volumes of export deliveries of grain production from Russia in 2008 (TOP-10)
4.1. Some target figures of State program actions realization in 2008-2012
4.2. Output volumes of grain crops in Russia in 2009
4.3. Marginal levels of floor prices of purchasing interventions implementation in the relation of grain of 2009 harvest
4.4. List of enterprises which stocks are contributed in OAO «Obyedinennaya zernovaya kompaniya»
1.1. Croppage of grain crops in weight after completion in Russia in economy of all categories in 2003-2008
1.2. Productivity of grain crops in weight after completion in economy of all categories in 2003-2008
1.3. Manufacture structure of grain in Russia in economy of all categories in 2008
1.4. Manufacture structure of grain crops in Russia detailed on categories of economy
2.1. Geography of consignors countries of grain production to Russia in 2008, declared on commodity groups 0713, 1006, 1008, 1103, 1104 (in kind)
2.2. Geography of consignors countries of grain production to Russia in 2008, declared on commodity groups 0713, 1006, 1008, 1103, 1104 (in cost value)
2.3. Geography of consignees countries of grain production from Russia in 2008, declared on commodity groups 0713, 1006, 1008, 1103, 1104 (in kind)
2.4. Geography of consignees countries of grain production from Russia in 2008, declared on commodity groups 0713, 1006, 1008, 1103, 1104 (in cost value)
3.1. Output and consumption volumes of wheat in Russia in 2007-2010
3.2. Output and consumption volumes of barley in Russia in 2007-2010
3.3. Output and consumption volumes of corn in Russia in 2007-2010
3.4. Output and consumption volumes of rye in Russia in 2007-2010
3.5. Areas under agricultural crops, croppage of grain in 2003-2009
3.8. Export deliveries of grain from Russia in 2003-2009
1. Example of the brief supplemental information on a company
2. Analysis of financial figures of a firm "X"
3. Analysis of foreign trade activities of a firm "X"
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Численность населения
Крупнейшие города
Уровень жизни населения
Экономическая активность
1.2.Экономическая ситуация
Динамика развития экономики
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Классификация по ТН ВЭД
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3.1.Крупнейшие страны-производители пшеницы
Объем выпуска крупнейших стран-производителей
Структура мирового производства по крупнейшим странам
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Структура мирового экспорта по основным странам
3.3.Основные страны-импортеры пшеницы
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Структура мирового импорта по основным странам
Анализ перспективности вхождения на рынок России и ближнего зарубежья нового игрока.
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2. Обзор рынка пшена 1/с и в/с в России (ЮФО и ПФО) в 2011 году, прогноз до 2014 года.
2.1. Объем и емкость рынка пшена. Структура рынка по основным сегментам (сортам пшена)
2.2. Анализ пшена 1/с и в/с
2.3. Сценарный прогноз динамики рыночных показателей в сегменте пшена 1/с и в/с (объем рынка, емкость рынка)
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2.5. Оценка факторов, влияющих на рынок
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3.1. Объем и динамика импорта
3.2. Основные тенденции
3.3. Структура импорта
3.3.1. по странам-производителям (в натуральном и стоимостном выражении)
3.3.2. по компаниям–производителям (в натуральном и стоимостном выражении)
3.3.3. по компаниям-получателям (в натуральном и стоимостном выражении)
3.3.4. по регионам получения
3.4. Объем и динамика экспорта
3.5. Основные тенденции
3.6. Структура экспорта
3.6.1. по странам-получателям (в натуральном и стоимостном выражении) (в том числе Страны Европы, страны ближнего зарубежья и Бангладеш)
3.6.2. по компаниям–производителям (в натуральном и стоимостном выражении)
3.6.3. по регионам отправления (в натуральном и стоимостном выражении)
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Натуральный объём импорта
Стоимостный объём импорта
Цена импорта
Натуральный объём экспорта
Стоимостный объём экспорта
Цена экспорта
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