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Special-purpose machines and special-purpose machines market: economic indicators, trends and forecast (артикул: 22780 29294)

Дата выхода отчета: 8 Декабря 2014
География исследования: Россия
Период исследования: 2014г.
Количество страниц: 313
Язык отчета: Английский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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    Subject of research:



    Purpose of research:






    Regions of research:




    Main blocks of research:




























    The largest Russian producers profiled:











    The largest enterprises are presented by production volume, financial activity, sheet balances, profit and loss statements, cash-flow statements, subsidiaries and other information 


    Information sources used:


    FederalStateStatistics Service


    Ministry of Economic Development of RF


    Federal Custom Service


    Federal Tax Service


    Evaluation of Experts of the Branch


    Retail sales statements


    Data of the main players of the branch


    Printed and electronic publications of the branch 


    The research contains 76 schedules, 87 diagrams, 124 tables and 1 figure.






    Study of location of companies producing special machinery by world regions revealed that in 2013 about 42% of companies were concentrated in Asia. In 2013 **.5% of production was provided by the companies located in North America, **% - by European producers of special -purpose vehicles.


    In 2013 share of the three largest countries producing special machinery (***, *** and China) in the structure of production reduced by *.6%, *.8% and *.6% correspondingly against 2012. At the same time shares of Germany, Sweden and *** increased.  


    As of 2013 one fifth of production of special-purpose truck machinery in cost terms was provided by American company ***.  Japan Komatsu hold a significant share of production: **%. Among the five companies leading by production of special machinery were also Volvo, *** and Liebherr. 




    The industry of special machinery is affected by various factors. One of the most important is decrease in construction industry.   China, one of the largest producers of this type of machinery, was characterized by reduction of construction industry growth, which together with saturation of the market with new machinery in 2009 – 2010 induced drop in profit of local companies, manufacturing special-purpose machinery.


    Moreover, demand for construction machinery in Russia is stimulated by large volumes of house and industrial construction. Thus, during 2010-2013 volume of buildings commissioned increased from **7 mln m3 up to **7 mln m3.


    It is important to notice that according to the results of 2013 more than one half buildings commissioned is residential, while share of non-residential premises does not exceed *5%. 




    In 2012 number of special-purpose machines produced was almost the same as in 2011, while in 2013 a trend towards reduction of their production by **% against 2012 (** ths. Units) could be traced.


    The structure of special-purpose truck machines is presented by three categories.


    As of 2013 ***  is the largest category of special machinery (**%). This category is followed by towing trucks and mobile cranes; their aggregate share in production in 2013 amounted to **%.

  • Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта







    1.1.       Population of Russia


    Number of population


    The largest cities


    Standards of living


    Economic activity


    1.2.       Economic situation


    Dynamics of economic development


    Stability of the state budget


    1.3.       Special economic zones


    1.4.       Entrepreneurship development in Russia


    1.5.       Investment potential


    Russia in general




    1.6.       Position of Russia in the world


    Share of RF in the population of the world




    2.1.       Definition


    2.2.       Classification


    All-Russian Classification of Products


    All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity, Products and Services


    Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities




    3.1.       Trends


    3.2.       The largest producing companies


    3.3.       The largest producing countries




    4.1.       Special machinery


    Dynamics of market volume


    Dynamics of import share on the market


    Import share on the market


    Segmentation of the Russian market of special machinery


    4.2.       Trailers and semi-trailers


    Market volume dynamics


    Dynamics of import share on the market


    Import share on the market






    Construction industry


    Exchange rate


    Sport objects construction works


    Total construction volume of buildings commissioned


    Construction funding


    Political environment


    Taxation policy


    Cargo transportation volume




    7.1.       Laws and decrees


    Decree of the Government of the RF dated by September 10, 2009, №720


    Order of the Ministry of Transportation dated by July, 13, 2006 № 82


    Order of the Ministry of Transportation of the RF dated by March, 14, 2008,  N АМ-23-р


    7.2.       Russia accession to the WTO


    Disposal charge


    Ecological standards




    8.1.       KAMAZ, OJSC


    About the company


    Products range, trademarks


    Development strategy


    8.2.       «RM-Terex»


    About the company


    Product range, brands


    8.3.       Avtokran, OJSC


    About the company


    Product range, brands


    8.4.       «Volvo»




    Product range, brands


    8.5.       «Scania»


    About the company


    Product  range, brands


    8.6.       «Komatsu»


    About the company


    Product range, brands




    9.1.       Special-purpose transportation means


    Dynamics by years


    Structure by types


    9.2.       Special-purpose transportation means not excluded into other groups


    Dynamics of volumes by years


    Structure by types


    9.3.       Machinery for municipal community facilities


    Structure by types


    Dynamics of volumes by years


    Dynamics of volumes by months


    Volumes by federal districts of RF


    Structure by federal districts of RF


    Volumes in the regions of RF


    Regional structure


    9.4.       Mobile cranes


    Dynamics of volumes by years


    Volumes by subjects of RF


    Structure by federal districts of RF


    9.5.       Dump trucks


    Dynamics of volumes by years


    Volumes by subjects of RF


    Structure by federal districts of RF


    9.6.       Excavators


    Dynamics of volumes by years


    Volumes by subjects of RF


    Structure by federal districts of RF


    9.7.       Bulldozers


    Dynamics of volumes by years


    Volumes by subjects of RF


    Structure by federal districts of RF


    9.8.       Truck chassis


    Dynamics of volumes by years


    Dynamics of volumes by months


    Volumes by federal districts of RF


    Structure by federal districts of RF


    Volumes in the regions of RF


    Regional structure


    9.9.       Articulated towing trucks


    Dynamics of volumes by years


    Volumes by subjects of RF


    Structure by federal districts of RF


    9.10.    General-purpose trailers and semi-trailers


    Dynamics of volumes by years


    Volumes by subjects of RF


    9.11.    Other trailers and semi-trailers


    Dynamics of volumes by years


    Volumes by subjects of RF




    10.1.    Special-purpose transportation means


    10.2.    Trailers and semi-trailers




    11.1.    Special machinery


    Dynamics by years


    Structure by types


    11.2.    Emergency trucks


    Dynamics by years


    Volumes by countries of destination


    Structure by countries of destination


    Structure by trade marks


    11.3.    Trailers and semi-trailers


    Dynamics by years


    Structure by types


    11.4.    Trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight more than 15 t


    Dynamics by years


    Structure by countries of destination


    11.5.    Refrigerating trailers and semi-trailers


    Dynamics by years


    Structure of countries of destination


    11.6.    Trailers and semi-trailers for agriculture


    Dynamics by years


    Export volumes by countries of destination


    11.7.    Tank trailers and tank semi-trailers


    Dynamics by years


    Structure by countries of destination




    12.1.    Special-purpose transportation means


    Dynamics by years


    Stucture by types


    Volumes by countries of dispatch


    Structure by countries of dispatch


    Structure by trade marks


    12.2.    Wheeled tractors for semi-trailers


    Dynamics by years


    Volumes by countries of dispatch


    Structure by countries of dispatch


    12.3.    Dump trucks


    Dynamics by years


    Volume by countries of dispatch


    Structure by countries of dispatch


    12.4.    Trailers and semi-trailers


    Dynamics by years


    Structure by types


    12.5.    Trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons


    Dynamics by years


    Volumes by countries of dispatch


    Structure by countries of dispatch


    Structure by trade marks


    12.6.    Refrigerating automobile trailers


    Dynamics by volumes


    Volumes by countries of dispatch


    Structure by countries of dispatch


    Structure by trade marks




    13.1.    Chassis for trucks


    Dynamics by years


    Dynamics by months


    13.2.    Special machinery not included into other groups


    Dynamics by years


    Dynamics by months


    13.3.    Autocranes


    Dynamics by years


    Dynamics by months


    13.4.    Machinery for urban utility services


    Dynamics by years


    Dynamics by months


    13.5.    Tank truck


    Dynamics by years


    Dynamics by months


    13.6.    Fire fighting machines


    Dynamics by years


    Dynamics by months


    13.7.    Articulated towing trucks, new


    Dynamics by years


    Dynamics by months


    13.8.    Concrete mixer trucks


    Dynamics by years


    Dynamics by months




    14.1.    Special-purpose transportation means


    14.2.    Semi- trailers




    15.1.    “KAZ”, OJSC


    Reference information


    Types of activity


    Volumes of manufacture of products output of products


    Balance sheet


    Profit and loss statement


    Cash flow statement




    15.2.    Krasnogorsky KAF, OJSC


    Reference information


    Types of activity


    Production volumes


    Balance shee


    Cash flow statement




    Financial coefficients of activity


    15.3.    AVTOKRAN, OJSC


    Reference information


    Types of activity


    Production volumes


    Balance sheet


    Profit and loss statement


    Cash flow statement




    Financial coefficients of activity


    15.4.    GAKZ, OJSC


    Reference information


    Types of activity


    Production volumes


    Balance sheet


    Profit and loss statement


    Cash flow statement


    Source: Federal State Statistics Service




    Financial coefficients of activity




    Reference information


    Types of activity


    Balance sheet


    Profit and loss statement


    Cash flow statement




    Financial coefficients of activity




    16.1.    Special-purpose transportation means


    16.2.    Trailers and senmi-trailers



  • Перечень приложений

    List of schedules:


    Schedule 1. Population of Russia in 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2008-2013 and forecast for 2014-2016, mln. people.


    Schedule 2. Dynamics of population of Russia in three different variants of the forecast in 2014-2031, ths. people


    Schedule 3. Dynamics of real household disposable income of population and its annual rate of growth in 2000-2013* and a forecast for 2014-2016, %


    Schedule 4. Dynamics of dependency ratio in three variants of the forecast in 2014 – 2031


    Schedule 5. Dynamics of employed and unemployed in Russia in 2000 –2013 and forecast until 2014-2015, %


    Schedule 6. Dynamics of unemployment share in economically active population by federal districts of RF in 2007-2013, %


    Schedule 7. Dynamics of GDP in money terms of 2008 in 2004-2013 and forecast for 2014-2016 bln. rubles


    Schedule 8. Dynamics of the GDP of Russia in the current prices in 2004-2013 ,  and forecast for  2014-2016 , bln rub.


    Schedule 9. Dynamics of investments into the stock capital of the RF in 2004-2013 and forecast for  2014-2016 , bln. rub.


    Schedule 10. Dynamics of surplus/deficit of the consolidated budget of the RF in 2006 – 2013 and forecast for 2014-2016, % to GDP


    Schedule 11. Dynamics of  total external debt of RF and its share in GDP in 2010-2014 (as of January, 1) and forecast for 2015-2017 , mln dollars


    Schedule 12. Dynamics of CPI in 2006-2013 and forecast for  2014-2016, % to the corresponding period of the previous year


    Schedule 13. Dynamics of investments into special economic zones in 2006-2013  (as of 01.10.2013), mln. rub.


    Schedule 14. Number of residents of special economic zones in Russia in 2006- 2013 (June 2013) , units


    Schedule 15. Dynamics of volume of cumulative foreign investments in 2005-2013, bln. dollars


    Schedule 16. Dynamics of population of Russia and the world in 2000-2013  and forecast until 2100, mln. people


    Schedule 17. Share of RF in the world GDP in 2001-2013 and forecast for 2014-2016, %


    Schedule 18. Dynamics of volume of Russian special machinery market in 2009-2013, units


    Schedule 19. Dynamics of the Russian market of trailers and semi-trailers in 2010-2013, units


    Schedule 20. Dynamics of total volume of buildings commissioned in 2010-2013, ths m3


    Schedule 21. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of special-purpose transportation means in 2009-2013, units


    Schedule 22. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of special-purpose transportation means not included into other groups in 2008-2013, units


    Schedule 23. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of machinery for municipal community facilities in 2008-2013, units


    Schedule 24. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of machinery for municipal community facilities by months in 2010-April 2014, units


    Schedule 25. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of mobile cranes in 2008-2013, units


    Schedule 26. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of dump trucks in 2011-2013, units


    Schedule 27. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of excavators in 2010-2013, units


    Schedule 28. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of bulldozers in 2011-2013, units


    Schedule 29. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of truck chassis including the analogous special-purpose transportation means in 2010-2013, units


    Schedule 30. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of truck chassis including the analogous special-purpose transportation means by months in 2010-April 2014, units


    Schedule 31. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of towing trucks in 2010-2013, units


    Schedule 32. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of general-purpose truck trailers in 2009-2013, units


    Schedule 33. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of other semi-trailers in 2009-2013, units


    Schedule 34. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of  special purpose transportation means in physical terms in 2009-2013, units


    Schedule 35. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of special purpose transportation means in cost terms in 2009-2013, thous. doll.


    Schedule 36. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of  break-down trucks in physical terms in 2009-2013, units


    Schedule 37. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of  break-down trucks in cost terms in 2009-2013, ths. dollars


    Schedule 38. Dynamics of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers in physical terms in  2010-2013, units


    Schedule 39. Dynamics of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers in cost terms in 2010-2013, ths. dollars


    Schedule 40. Dynamics of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers of gross weight more than 15 t in physical terms in 2010-2013, units


    Schedule 41. Dynamics of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers of gross weight more than 15 t in cost terms in 2010-2013, ths. dollars


    Schedule 42. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of refrigerated trailers and semi-trailers in physical terms in 2010-2013, units.


    Schedule 43. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of refrigerated trailers and semi-trailers in cost terms in 2010-2013, ths. doll.


    Schedule 44. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of trailers for agriculture in physical terms in  2010-2013, units


    Schedule 45. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of trailers for agriculture in cost terms in  2010-2013, ths. dollars


    Schedule 46. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of tank trailers in physical terms in 2010-2013, units


    Schedule 47. Dynamics of volume of Russian export of tank trailers in physical terms in 2010-2013, units


    Schedule 48. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of special-purpose transportation means in physical terms in 2009-2013, units


    Schedule 49. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of special-purpose transportation means in cost terms in 2009-2013, thous. dollars


    Schedule 50. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of wheeled tractors for semi-trailers in physical terms in 2009-2013, units


    Schedule 51. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of wheeled tractors for semi-trailers in cost terms in 2009-2013, thous. dollars


    Schedule 52. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of dump trucks in physical terms in 2009-2013, units


    Schedule 53. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of dump-trucks in cost terms in 2009-2013, thous. dollars


    Schedule 54. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of trailers and semi-trailers in physical terms in 2010-2013, units


    Schedule 55. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of trailers and semi-trailers in cost terms in 2010-2013, thous. dollars


    Schedule 56. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons in physical terms in 2010-2013, units


    Schedule 57. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons in cost terms in 2010-2013, thous. dollars


    Schedule 58. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of refrigerating automobile trailers and semi-trailers in physical terms in 2010-2013, units


    Schedule 59. Dynamics of volume of Russian import of refrigerating automobile trailers and semi-trailers in cost terms in 2010-2013, thous. dollars


    Schedule 60. Dynamics of average Russian producers' prices for chassis for trucks, including similar special-purpose transportation means by years in  2012-2013, rub/unit


    Schedule 61. Dynamics of average Russian producers' prices for chassis for trucks, including similar special-purpose transportation means by months in 2012 – Feb 2014, rub/unit.


    Schedule 62. Dynamics of average Russian producers' prices for other special-purpose transportation means not included into other groups by years in 2012-2013, rub/unit


    Schedule 63. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for other special-purpose transportation means, not included into other groups by months in 2012-Feb 2014 , rub/unit


    Schedule 64. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for autocranes by years in 2012-2013, rub/unit.


    Schedule 65. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for autocranes by months in 2012-Feb 2014, rub/unit


    Schedule 66. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for machines for urban utility services by years in 2012-2013 , rub/unit


    Schedule 67. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for urban utility services by months in 2012-Feb 2014, rub/unit


    Schedule 68. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for tank-trucks by years in 2012-2013 rub/unit


    Schedule 69. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for tank-trucks by months in 2012-Feb 2014, rub/unit


    Schedule 70. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for firefighting machines by years in  2012-2013*, rub/unit


    Schedule 71. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for new articulated towing trucks by years in 2012-2013, rub/unit


    Schedule 72. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for new articulated towing trucks by months in  2012-Feb 2014 , rub/unit


    Schedule 73. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of special machinery in physical terms in 2009-2013 and forecast for 2014-2016 , units


    Schedule 74. Dynamics of import share on the Russian market of special machinery in physical terms in 2009-2016, %


    Schedule 75. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of trailers and semi-trailers in physical terms in 2010-2013 and the forecast  for 2014-2016 , units


    Schedule 76. Dynamics of import share on the Russian market of and semi-trailers in physical terms in 2009-2016*, %




    List of diagrams:


    Diagram 1. Structure of population of Russia to working age in 2014- 2031, % (middle variant of the forecast)


    Diagram 2. Change of structure of incomes of the federal budget in2009-2013, %


    Diagram 3. Change of structure of external debt of RF in 2009-2014 (as of January 1), %


    Diagram 4. Foreign investments accumulated by investing countries in 2013, %


    Diagram 5. Structure of production of special-purpose trucks in cost terms by the main companies in the world  in 2013, %


    Diagram 6. Dynamics of structure of special-purpose truck machines production in physical terms by the main regions of the world in 2013, %


    Diagram 7. Shares of countries in the structure of special-purpose truck machines production in the world in  2012-2013, %


    Diagram 8. Dynamics of import share on the Russian market of special machinery in physical terms in 2009-2013, %


    Diagram 9. Import share on the Russian market of special machinery in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 10. Segmentation of special machinery market volume in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 11. Share of import of different categories of special transportation means on Russian market in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 12. Dynamics of import share on the Russian market of trailers and semi-trailers in physical terms in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 13. Import share on the Russian market of trailers and semi-trailers in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 14. Structure of buildings commissioned in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 15. Structure of non-residential buildings commissioned in 2010-2013


    Diagram 16. Change of structure of Russian production of special-purpose transportation means in 2009-2013, %


    Diagram 17. Structure of Russian production of special-purpose transportation means in 2013, %


    Diagram 18. Change of structure of Russian production of special-purpose transportation means not included into other groups in 2008-2013, %


    Diagram 19. Change of structure of Russian production of machinery for municipal community facilities in 2009-2013, %


    Diagram 20. Change of structure of Russian production of machinery for municipal community facilities by federal districts in 2008-2013, %


    Diagram 21. Structure of Russian production of machinery for municipal community facilities by federal districts in 2013, %


    Diagram 22. Regional structure of Russian production of machinery for municipal community facilities in 2013*, %


    Diagram 23. Change of structure of Russian production of mobile cranes by federal districts of RF in 2008-2013, %


    Diagram 24. Structure of Russian production of mobile cranes by federal districts of RF in 2013, %


    Diagram 25. Change of structure of Russian production of dump trucks by federal districts of RF in 2009-2013, %


    Diagram 26. Structure of Russian production of dump trucks by federal districts of RF in 2013, %


    Diagram 27. Change of structure of Russian production of excavators by federal districts of RF in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 28. Structure of Russian production of excavators by federal districts of RF in 2013, %


    Diagram 29. Change of structure of Russian production of bulldozers by federal districts of RF in 2008-2013, %


    Diagram 30. Structure of Russian production of bulldozers by federal districts of RF in 2013, %


    Diagram 31. Change of structure of Russian production of truck chassis including the analogous special-purpose transportation means by federal districts in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 32. Structure of Russian production of truck chassis including the analogous special-purpose transportation means by federal districts in 2013, %


    Diagram 33. Change of regional structure of Russian production of truck chassis including the analogous special-purpose transportation means in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 34. Change of structure of Russian production of towing trucks by federal districts in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 35. Structure of Russian production of towing trucks by federal districts of RF in 2013, %


    Diagram 36. Structure of export of special purpose transportation means in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 37. Structure of export of special-purpose transportation means by types in cost terms in 2013, %.


    Diagram 38. Volumes of Russian export of break-down trucks by the largest countries of destination in 2013, units


    Diagram 39. Volumes of Russian export of break-down trucks by the largest countries of destination in 2013, ths. dollars


    Diagram 40. Change of structure of Russian export of Volumes of Russian export of break-down trucks by the largest countries of destination in physical terms in 2009-2013, %


    Diagram 41. Structure of Russian export of  break-down trucks by the largest countries of destination in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 42. Change of structure of Russian export of volumes of Russian export of break-down trucks by the largest countries of destination in cost terms in 2009-2013, %


    Diagram 43. Structure of Russian export of  break-down trucks by the largest countries of destination in cost terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 44. Structure of export of break-down trucks by trademarks in physical terms in 2013, %.


    Diagram 45. Change of structure of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers by types in physical terms in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 46. Change of structure of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers by types in cost terms in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 47. Structure of import of special-purpose transportation means by types in physical terms in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 48. Structure of import of special-purpose transportation means by types in 2013, %


    Diagram 49. Dynamics of structure of import of special-purpose transportation means in RF by types in cost terms in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 50. Structure of import of special-purpose transportation means by types in cost terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 51. Volumes of Russian import of special-purpose transportation means by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, units


    Diagram 52. Volumes of Russian import of special-purpose transportation means by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, thous. dollars


    Diagram 53. Change of structure of Russian import of special-purpose transportation means by countries of dispatch in physical terms in 2009-2013, %


    Diagram 54. Structure of Russian import of special-purpose transportation means by countries of dispatch in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 55. Change of structure of Russian import of special-purpose transportation means by countries of dispatch in cost terms in 2011-2013, %


    Diagram 56. Structure of Russian import of special-purpose transportation means by countries of dispatch in cost terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 57. Structure of import of special-purpose transportation means by trade marks in cost terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 58. Volumes of Russian import of wheeled tractors for semi-trailers by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, units


    Diagram 59. Volumes of Russian import of wheeled tractors for semi-trailers by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, thous. dollars


    Diagram 60. Change of structure of Russian import of wheeled tractors for semi-trailers by countries of dispatch in physical terms in 2009-2013, %


    Diagram 61. Structure of Russian import of wheeled tractors for semi-trailers by countries of dispatch in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 62. Change of structure of Russian import of wheeled tractors for semi-trailers by countries of dispatch in cost terms in 2011-2013, %


    Diagram 63. Structure of Russian import of wheeled tractors for semi-trailers by countries of dispatch in cost terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 64. Volumes of Russian import of dump trucks by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, units


    Diagram 65. Volumes of Russian import of dump trucks by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, thous. dollars


    Diagram 66. Change of structure of Russian import of dump trucks by countries of dispatch in physical terms in 2009-2013, %


    Diagram 67. Structure of Russian import of dump trucks by countries of dispatch in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 68. Change of structure of Russian import of dump trucks by countries of dispatch in cost terms in 2011-2013, %


    Diagram 69. Structure of Russian import of dump trucks by countries of dispatch in cost terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 70. Structure of import of trailers and semi-trailers by types in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 71. Structure of import of trailers and semi-trailers by types in cost terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 72. Volumes of Russian import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, units


    Diagram 73. Volumes of Russian import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, thous. dollars


    Diagram 74. Change of structure of Russian import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons by countries of dispatch in physical terms in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 75. Structure of Russian import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with total weight over 15 tons by countries of dispatch in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 76. Change of structure of Russian import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons by countries of dispatch in cost terms in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 77. Structure of Russian import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons by countries of dispatch in cost terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 78. Structure of import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons by trade marks in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 79. Structure of import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons by trade marks in cost terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 80. Volumes of Russian import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, units


    Diagram 81. Volumes of Russian import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, thous. dollars


    Diagram 82. Change of structure of Russian import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by countries of dispatch in physical terms in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 83. Structure of Russian import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by countries of dispatch in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 84. Change of structure of Russian import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by countries of dispatch in cost terms in 2010-2013, %


    Diagram 85. Structure of Russian import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by countries of dispatch in cost terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 86. Structure of import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by trade marks in physical terms in 2013, %


    Diagram 87. Structure of import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by trade marks in cost terms in 2013, %




    List of tables:


    Table 1. Population of the largest cities of Russia according to the Census of 2002 and 2010 as for January, 1, 2013, ths. people


    Table 2. Number of small enterprises (without micro enterprises) by the branches in Russia in 2009 – September 2013


    Table 3. Values for 2012-2013 of the countries gained the largest success in the branches studied for the  «Doing Business 2014» rating


    Table 4. Distribution of Russian regions by the rating of investment climate in 2012-2013


    Table 5. Dynamics of volume of accumulated foreign investments in TOP-15 of regions in 2005-2013 , mln. dollars


    Table 6. Domestic manufacturers of special-purpose transportation means


    Table 7. Foreign manufacturers of special-purpose transportation means


    Table 8. Structure of special-purpose truck machines production in cost terms by the main companies in the world in 2013, mln dollars


    Table 9. Cargo transportation by types of transport in the RF, mln. t


    Table 10. Product range of KAMAZ, OJSC


    Table 11. Product range of Avtokran, OJSC


    Table 12. Volvo products range


    Table 13. Scania product range


    Table 14. Komatsu product range


    Table 15. Change of structure of Russian production of special-purpose transportation means in 2009-April 2014, units


    Table 16. Structure of Russian production of special-purpose transportation means not included into other groups in 2008-April 2014, units


    Table 17. Structure of Russian production of machinery for municipal community facilities in 2009-April 2014, units


    Table 18. Volumes of Russian production of machinery for municipal community facilities by months in 2010-April 2014, units


    Table 19. Volumes of Russian production of machinery for municipal community facilities by federal districts in 2008-April 2014, units


    Table 20. Volumes of Russian production of machinery for municipal community facilities by regions of RF in 2008-April 2014, units


    Table 21. Volumes of production of mobile cranes by the subjects of RF, units


    Table 22. Volumes of production of dump trucks by subjects of RF, units


    Table 23. Volumes of production of excavators by subjects of RF, units


    Table 24. Volumes of production of bulldozers by subjects of RF, units


    Table 25. Volumes of production of truck chassis including the analogous special-purpose transportation means by months in 2010-April 2014, units


    Table 26. Volumes of Russian production of truck chassis including the analogous special-purpose transportation means by federal districts of RF in 2010-April 2014, units


    Table 27. Volumes of Russian production of truck chassis including the analogous special-purpose transportation means by regions of RF in 2010-April 2014, units


    Table 28. Volumes of production by subjects of RF, units


    Table 29. Volumes of Russian production of general-purpose truck trailers in 2009-April 2014, units


    Table 30. Volumes of Russian production of other semi-trailers in 2009-April 2014, units


    Table 31. The largest enterprises by sale proceeds volume by the main type of activity “Production of special-purpose transportation means” (34.10.5) in 2009-2012, thous. rubles


    Table 32. The largest enterprises by sales proceeds volume by the main type of activity “Production of auto bodies; production of trailers and semi-trailers and container trailers for one and several types of transportation means” (34.20) in 2009-2012, thous. rubles


    Table 33. Structure of export of special-purpose transportation means by types in physical terms in 2009-2013, units


    Table 34. Structure of export of special purpose transportation means by types in cost terms in 2009-2013, ths. dollars


    Table 35. Volumes of Russian export of break-down trucks by the largest countries of destination in 2009-2013, units


    Table 36. Volumes of Russian export of break-down trucks by the largest countries of destination in 2009-2013, ths. dollars


    Table 37. Structure of export of break-down trucks by trademarks in physical terms in 2013, units


    Table 38. Structure of export of break-down trucks by trademarks in cost terms in  2013, ths. dollars


    Table 39. Volumes of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers in physical terms in 2010-2013, units


    Table 40. Volumes of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers by types in cost terms in 2010-2013, ths. dollars


    Table 41. Volumes of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers of gross weight more than 5 t in physical terms by countries of destination in 2010-2013, units


    Table 42. Volumes of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers of gross weight more than 5 t in cost terms by countries of destination in 2010-2013, ths. dollars


    Table 43. Volumes of Russian export of refrigerated trailers and semi-trailers in physical terms by countries of destination in 2010-2013, units


    Table 44.Volumes of Russian export of refrigerated trailers and semi-trailers in cost terms by countries of destination in 2010-2013, ths. dollars


    Table 45. Volumes of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers for agriculture in physical terms by countries of destination in 2010-2013, units


    Table 46. Volumes of Russian export of trailers and semi-trailers for agriculture in cost terms by countries of destination in 2010-2013, ths. dollars


    Table 47. Volumes of Russian export of tank trailers an tank semi-trailers in physical terms in 2010-2013, units


    Table 48. Volumes of Russian export of tank trailers an tank semi-trailers in cost terms by countries of destination in 2010-2013, ths. dollars.


    Table 49. Structure of import of special-purpose transportation means by types in physical terms in 2010-2013, units


    Table 50. Dynamics of structure of import of special-purpose transportation means in RF by types in cost terms in 2010-2013, thous. dollars


    Table 51. Volumes of Russian import of special-purpose transportation means by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, units


    Table 52. Volumes of Russian import of special-purpose transportation means by the largest countries of dispatch in 2009-2013, thous. dollars


    Table 53. Structure of import of special-purpose transportation means by trade marks in cost terms in 2013, thous. dollars


    Table 54. Volumes of Russian import of wheeled tractors for semi-trailers by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, units


    Table 55. Volumes of Russian import of wheeled tractors for semi-trailers by the largest countries of dispatch in 2009-2013, thous. dollars


    Table 56. Volumes of Russian import of dump trucks by the largest countries of dispatch in 2013, units


    Table 57. Volumes of Russian import of dump trucks by the largest countries of dispatch in 2009-2013, thous. dollars


    Table 58. Structure of import of trailers and semi-trailers by types in physical terms in 2013, units


    Table 59. Structure of import of trailers and semi-trailers by types in cost terms in 2013, thous. dollars


    Table 61. Volumes of Russian import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons by the largest countries of dispatch in 2010-2013, thous. dollars


    Table 62. Structure of import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons by trade marks in physical terms in 2013, units


    Table 63. Structure of import of automobile trailers and semi-trailers with the total weight over 15 tons by trade marks in cost terms in 2013, thous. dollars


    Table 64. Volumes of Russian import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by the largest countries of dispatch in 2010-2013, units


    Table 65. Volumes of Russian import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by the largest countries of dispatch in 2010-2013, thous. dollars


    Table 66. Structure of import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by trade marks in physical terms in 2013, units


    Table 67. Structure of import of refrigerating automobile semi-trailers and trailers by trade marks in cost terms in 2013, thous. dollars


    Table 68. Dynamics of average Russian producers' prices for chassis for trucks, including similar special-purpose transportation means by months in 2012-Feb 2014, rub/unit.


    Table 69. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for other special-purpose transportation means, not included into other groups by months in 2012-Feb 2014, rub/unit


    Table 70. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for autocranes by months in 2012-Feb 2014, rub/unit


    Table 71. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for urban utility services by months in 2012-Feb 2014, rub/unit.


    Table 72. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for tank-trucks by months in 2012-Feb 2014, rub/unit


    Table 73. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for firefighting machines by years in 2012- February 2014 , rub/unit


    Table 74. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for new articulated towing trucks by months in  2012-Feb 2014 , rub/unit


    Table 75. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for mixer trucks by months in 2012-Feb 2013* , rub/unit


    Table 76. Dynamics of average prices of Russian producers for mixer trucks by months in March 2012-Apr 2013 , rub/unit


    Table 77. Cost for excavators, rubles


    Table 78. Cost for loaders, rubles


    Table 79. Cost for excavator-loaders, rubles


    Table 80. Cost for dump trucks, rubles


    Table 81. Cost for bulldozers, rubles


    Table 82. Cost for scrapers, rubles


    Table 83. Cost for cranes, rubles


    Table 84. Cost for side-tarpaulin trailers, rubles


    Table 85. Cost for insulated semi-trailers, rubles


    Table 86. Cost for container chassis, rubles


    Table 87. Cost for dump truck semi-trailers, rubles


    Table 88. Cost for prefab trailers, rubles


    Table 89. Cost for short log trucks, rubles


    Table 90. Shareholders/founders of “KAZ”, OJSC


    Table 91. Volumes of output of products of “KAZ”, OJSC


    Table 92. Balance sheet of KAZ, OJSC, thous.rub


    Table 93. Profit and loss statement of KAZ, OJSC, thous. rub


    Table 94. Cash flow ststement of KAZ, OJSC, thous rub


    Table 95. Dynamics of financials of KAZ, OJSC, thous. rub


    Table 96. Dynamics of financial coefficients of activity of KAZ, OJSC


    Table 97. Shareholders/founders KRASNOGORSKY KAF, OJSC


    Table 98. Production volumes of KRASNOGORSKY KAF, OJSC


    Table  99. Balance sheet of KRASNOGORSKY KAF, OJSC, thous. rubles


    Table 100. Profit and loss statement of  KRASNOGORSKY KAF, OJSC, thous. rubles


    Table 101. Cash flow statement of KRASNOGORSKY KAF, OJSC, thous. rubles


    Table 102. Dynamics of financials of KRASNOGORSKY KAF, OJSC, thous. rubles


    Table 103. Dynamics of financial coefficients of activity of KRASNOGORSKY KAF, OJSC


    Table 104. Shareholders/founders of AVTOKRAN, OJSC


    Table 105. Subsidiaries of AVTOKRAN, OJSC


    Table 106. Production volumes of AVTOKRAN, OJSC


    Table 107. Balance sheet of AVTOKRAN, OJSC, thous. rubles


    Table 108. Profit and loss statement of AVTOKRAN, OJSC, thous. rubles


    Table 109. Cash flow statement of AVTOKRAN, OJSC, thous. rubles


    Table 110. Dynamics of financials of AVTOKRAN, OJSC, thous. rubles


    Table 111. Dynamics of financial coefficients of activity of AVTOKRAN, OJSC


    Table 112. Shareholders/founders of GAKZ, OJSC


    Table 113. Production volumes of GAKZ, OJSC


    Table 114. Balance sheet of GAKZ, OJSC , thous. rub


    Table 115. Profit and loss statement of  GAKZ, OJSC , thous. rub


    Table 116. Cash flow statement of GAKZ, OJSC , thous. rub.


    Table 117. Dynamics of financials of GAKZ, OJSC , thous. rub


    Table 118. Dynamics of financial coefficients of  activity of GAKZ, OJSC , thous. rub


    Table 119. Shareholders/founders of  PO SPETSTEKHNIKA POZHAROTUSHENIA, CJSC


    Table 120. Balance sheet of PO SPETSTEKHNIKA POZHAROTUSHENIA, CJSC, thous. rub


    Table 121. Profit and loss statement of  PO SPETSTEKHNIKA POZHAROTUSHENIA, CJSC, thous. rub


    Table 122. Cash flow statement of PO SPETSTEKHNIKA POZHAROTUSHENIA, CJSC, thous. rub.


    Table 123. Dynamics of financials of PO SPETSTEKHNIKA POZHAROTUSHENIA, CJSC, thous. rub.


    Table 124. Dynamics of financial coefficients of activity of PO SPETSTEKHNIKA POZHAROTUSHENIA, CJSC, thous. rub 


    List of figures:


    Figure 1. Distribution of volumes of financing of small and medium business support projects from federal and regional budgets by regions on the map of Russia in 2011-2013 , mln. rub

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Навигация по разделу маркетинговые исследования
  • Все отрасли
Без маркетингового исследования невозможно себе представить эффективную работу любого коммерческого предприятия. Поэтому точные исследования являются огромным конкурентным преимуществом. Так как маркетинговое исследование подразумевает целый комплекс работ, включающий в себя поиск, сбор, систематизацию и анализ данных на рынке, то самостоятельное его проведение не представляется эффективным. Выгоднее купить уже готовый маркетинговый отчёт или заказать индивидуальное исследование рынка. В нашем каталоге вы найдёте рыночные исследования практически по всем отраслям экономики и сможете скачать их сразу после оплаты. Наши специалисты также готовы подготовить индивидуальное исследование рынка по интересующему Вас товару или услуге.