List of schedules
Schedule 1. Dynamics of population of Russia in three forecast variants in 2011-2031, ths people
Schedule 2. Dynamics of actual household disposable income of population and annual rate of growth in 2000-2012, %
Schedule 3. Dynamics of constant population of Moscow for the 1st of January in 2001-2012, mln. peop.
Schedule 4. Dynamics of actual disposable money income in Moscow by years in 2003-2013* ths rubles
Schedule 5. Per capita money incomes of population of Moscow in 2009-2013, ths rubles
Schedule 6. Share of eating out expenses of residents of Moscow for in 2000-2013*, %
Schedule 7. Dynamics of constant population of Saint Petersburg in 2001-2014* (actual as for 01.01.2014), mln people
Schedule 8. Dynamics of constant population of Leningrad region in 2000-2014* (actual as for 01.01.2014), mln people
Schedule 9. Dynamics of average monthly wage of the resident of Saint Petersburg by years in 2002-2013, ths rubles
Schedule 10. Per capita money incomes of the population of Saint Petersburg in 2007-2012, ths rubles
Schedule 11. Share of expenditures for public catering services in total volume of expenditures for services in 2004-2012*, %
Schedule 12. Dynamics of the Russian public catering market turnover and per capita in RF in 2003-2013
Schedule 13. Dynamics of the Russian public catering market volume by quarters in 2007-2013, billion rubles
Schedule 14. Russian fast food market turnover in 2007-2013, billion rubles
Schedule 15. Average expenditures in public catering facilities in different regions of the world in 2007, 2012 and forecast for 2017, dollar/person
Schedule 16. Russian catering market turnover in 2010-2013 and forecast for 2014-2016, billion rubles
List of diagrams
Diagram 1. Dynamics of constant population of Moscow Region as for January 1 in 2000-2013, mln people
Diagram 2. Structure of Saint Petersburg population distribution by regions in 2013, %
Diagram 3. Change of regional structure of public catering market turnover in 2008-2012, %
Diagram 4. Structure of fast food market by size of cities in cost terms in 2013, %
Diagram 5. Structure of facilities distribution of «Teremok» network by formats of enterprises in Moscow and Saint Petersburg in 2013-2014, %
Diagram 6. Share of Moscow and Saint Petersburg in public catering market structure in 2008-2012, %
Diagram 7. Russian residents stance on eating out, as on costly affair, in 2012, %
Diagram 8. Structure of feeding arrangement of working Russian population during the working day, %
Diagram 9. Structure of McDonald’s target audience, %
List of tables
Table 1. Number of population in largest cities of Russia according to Census of 2002 and 2010 and as for January1, 2013, ths people
Table 2. Average monthly salary in Moscow in general and in cafes, restaurants by years in 2002-2013, rub
Table 3. Per capita money incomes of the population of Moscow by months in 2009-2013, rubles
Table 4. Average monthly salary in St. Petersburg in general and in cafes, restaurants by years in 2002-2013, rubles
Table 5. Volumes of public catering market turnover in regions of RF in 2008-2012, million rubles
Table 6. Number of public catering facilities in 2011-2012, units
Table 7. Largest fast food networks in million-strong cities
Table 8. Largest fast food networks in Russia by number of outlets in 2012-2014, units
Table 9. Financials of «Cofe Sirena» LLC, ths rubles
Table 10. Largest networks on fast food market by number of franchising outlets as for March 2014, units
List of pictures
Picture1. Geography of burgers components of KFC, Burger King and McDonald’s production in 2014