List of schedules:
Schedule 1. Dynamics of resident population number of Russia in 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2008-2012, ths people
Schedule 2. Dynamics of population of Russia in three forecast variants in 2011-2031, ths people
Schedule 3. Dynamics of actual household disposable income of population and annual rate of growth in 2000-2012, %
Schedule 4. Dynamics of demographic load coefficient in three forecast variants in 2011-2031
Schedule 5. Dynamics of share of the unemployed in economically active population by federal districts of RF in 2006-2012, %
Schedule 6. Dynamics of GDP of Russia in prices of 2008 in 2002-2012 and forecast for2013-2015, billion rubles
Schedule 7. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2002-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, billion rubles
Schedule 8. Dynamics of surplus/deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006-2012, % of GDP
Schedule 9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF and its share in GDP in 2009-2013 (as for 1 January), mln dollars
Schedule 10. Dynamics of CPI in 2006-2012 ad forecast for 2013-2015, % to the corresponding period of the previous year
Schedule 11. Dynamics of population of Russia and world in 2000-2012 and forecast up to 2100, mln people
Schedule 12. Share of RF in the world GDP in 2001-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, %
Schedule 13. Dynamics of world tea production in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 14. Dynamics of world tea export volumes in physical and cost terms in 2007-2013*
Schedule 15. Dynamics of world tea import volumes in physical and cost terms in 2007-2013*
Schedule 16. Dynamics of tea retail sales by years in 2009-2013, ths rubles
Schedule 17. Dynamics of tea retail sales by quarters in 2009-2013, ths rubles
Schedule 18. Dynamics of Russian tea market in physical terms by years
in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 19. Dynamics Russian packed tea market volume in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 20. Dynamics Russian packed tea market volume in cost terms in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Schedule 21. Volume of weighed tea market in Russia in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 22. Dynamics of tea consumption level in 2007-2013, kg/person
Schedule 23. Dynamics of Russian tea production volume by years in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 24. Dynamics of Russian tea production volume by months in 2009-2013, tons
Schedule 25. Dynamics of tea export volume in physical terms by years
in 2007-2013*, tons
Schedule 26. Dynamics of tea export volume in cost terms by years
in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Schedule 27. Dynamics of Russian tea export by months in physical terms in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 28. Dynamics of Russian tea export by months in cost terms in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Schedule 29. Dynamics of Russian export of black tea with flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg in physical terms
in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 30. Dynamics of Russian export of black tea with flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg in cost terms
in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Schedule 31. Dynamics of Russian export of green tea with flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg in physical terms in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 32. Dynamics of Russian export of green tea with flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg in cost terms in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Schedule 33. Dynamics of Russian import of tea with flavor additives or without them in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 34. Dynamics of Russian import of tea with flavor additives or without them in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Schedule 35. Dynamics of Russian tea import in physical terms by months in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 36. Dynamics of tea import volume in cost terms by months
in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Schedule 37. Dynamics of other Russian black tea import in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 38. Dynamics of other Russian black tea import in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Schedule 39. Dynamics of Russian black tea import in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 40. Dynamics of Russian black tea import in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Schedule 41. Dynamics of Russian other green tea import in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 42. Dynamics of Russian other green tea import in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Schedule 43. Dynamics of Russian green tea import in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg in 2007-2013, tons
Schedule 44. Dynamics of Russian green tea import in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Schedule 45. Dynamics of average producer price for genuine tea - (grade) prepacked, by years in 2007-2013, rub/ton
Schedule 46. Dynamics of average producer price for genuine tea - (grade) prepacked, by months in 2007-February 2014, rub/ton
Schedule 47. Dynamics of average retail prices for black pekoe tea by years
in 2007-2013, rub/kg
Schedule 48. Dynamics of average retail prices for black pekoe tea by months
in 2007-2013, rub/kg
Schedule 49. Dynamics of average retail prices for black pekoe packeted tea by years in 2009-2013, rub/25 packs
Schedule 50. Dynamics of average retail prices for black pekoe packeted tea by months in 2009-2013, rub/25 packs
Schedule 51. Monthly tea advertizing distribution in catalogues in the first half of 2013
Schedule 52. Dynamics of Russian tea market volume in general in 2007-2014* and forecast for 2015-2016, tons
Schedule 53. Dynamics of tea consumption level in 2007-2014* and forecast for 2015-2016, kg/person
Schedule 54. Volume of weighed tea market in Russia in 2007-2014* and forecast for 2014-2016, tons
Schedule 55. Dynamics Russian packed tea market volume in 2007-2014* and forecast for 2015-2016, tons
Schedule 56. Dynamics Russian packed tea market volume in 2007-2014* in cost terms and forecast for 2015-2016, mln dollars
Schedule 57. Ratio of Russian markets of packed tea volumes in physical and in cost terms in 2007-2014* and forecast in 2015-2016
Schedule 58. Dynamics of import content on the market of packed tea in physical terms in 2007-2016*, %
Schedule 59. Dynamics of packed tea consumption level in 2007-2013 and forecast for 2014-2016, kg/person
List of diagrams:
Diagram 1. Structure of population of Russia by working age in 2011-2031, % (average forecast variant)
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the number of employed and unemployed people in Russia in 2000-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, mln people
Diagram 3. Change of structure of external debt of RF in 2009-2013 (as for 1 January), %
Diagram 4. Structure of world tea production by countries in 2013*, %
Diagram 5. Change of structure of tea retail sales by federal district
in 2009-2013, %
Diagram 6. Change of structure of tea retail sales by regions in 2009-2013, %
Diagram 7. Dynamics of import content on Russian tea market in physical terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 8. Structure of Russian tea market in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 9. Import content on Russian market of packed tea in physical terms in 2013, %
Diagram 10. Dynamics of import content on Russian market of packed tea in physical terms in 2010-2013*, %
Diagram 11. Segmentation of Russian tea market in physical terms
in 2010-2013*, %
Diagram 12. Tea production structure by types in 2013, %
Diagram 13. Change of tea production structure by types in 2010-2012, %
Diagram 14. Dynamics of tea production volume by federal district
in 2007-2013, tons
Diagram 15. Tea production structure by federal district in 2013, %
Diagram 16. Change of tea production structure by federal district
in 2010-2012, %
Diagram 17. Change of tea production structure by regions in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 18. Tea production structure by regions in 2013, %
Diagram 19. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian pekoe tea production in 2009, %
Diagram 20. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian green pekoe tea production in 2009, %
Diagram 21. Change of structure of proceeds from sales from «tea and coffee production» activity (15.86) by largest enterprises in 2009-2012, %
Diagram 22. Structure of proceeds from sales from «tea and coffee production» activity (15.86) by largest enterprises in 2012, %
Diagram 23. Tea export structure by types in physical terms in 2013, %
Diagram 24. Tea export structure by types in cost terms in 2013, %
Diagram 25. Change of structure of Russian tea export by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 26. Structure of Russian tea export by countries of destination in physical terms in 2013, %
Diagram 27. Change of structure of Russian tea export by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 28. Structure of Russian tea export by countries of destination in cost terms in 2013, %
Diagram 29. Change of structure of Russian export of black tea with flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 30. Export structure of black tea with taste and flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by countries of destination in physical terms in 2013, %
Diagram 31. Change of structure of Russian export of black tea with flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 32. Export structure of black tea with taste and flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by countries of destination in cost terms in 2013, %
Diagram 33. Change of structure of Russian export of green tea with flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 34. Structure of Russian export of green tea with flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by countries of destination in physical terms in 2013, %
Diagram 35. Change of structure of Russian export of green tea with flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 36. Structure of Russian export of green tea with flavor additives or without them, in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by countries of destination in cost terms in 2013, %
Diagram 37. Change of structure of Russian import of tea with flavor additives or without them by types in physical terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 38. Change of structure of Russian import of tea with flavor additives or without them by types in cost terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 39. Change of structure of other Russian black tea import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 40. Structure of other Russian black tea import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2013, %
Diagram 41. Change of structure of other Russian black tea import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 42. Structure of other Russian black tea import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2013, %
Diagram 43. Structure of Russian import of other black tea by the largest producing companies in 2012, %
Diagram 44. Import structure of other tea by largest brands in 2013, %
Diagram 45. Change of structure of Russian black tea import in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 46. Change of structure of Russian black tea import in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 47. Structure of Russian black tea import in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by brands in 2013, %
Diagram 48. Change of structure of Russian other green tea import by countries of origin in physical terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 49. Change of structure of Russian other green tea import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2013, %
Diagram 50. Structure of Russian other green tea import by brands
in 2013, %
Diagram 51. Structure of Russian green tea import in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg by brands in 2013, %
List of tables:
Table 1. Population number of the largest cities of Russia according to All-Russian census of 2002 and 2010 and as for January 1, 2013, ths people
Table 2. Rating of countries by tea production volumes in 2009-2012, tons
Table 3. TOP-20 countries by tea export volumes in physical terms
in 2007-2012, tons
Table 4. TOP-20 countries by tea export volumes in cost terms
in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Table 5. TOP-20 countries by tea import volumes in physical terms
in 2007-2012, tons
Table 6. TOP-20 countries by tea import volumes in cost terms in 2007-2012, ths dollars
Table 7. Volume of tea retail sales by quarters in 2009-2013, ths rubles
Table 8. Volumes of tea retail sales by subjects in 2009-2013, ths rubles
Table 9. Segmentation of Russian tea market in physical terms
in 2010-2013*, tons
Table 10. Change of customs duties for wine import in 2012 – 2016, %
Table 11. Volumes of tea production by federal district in 2010-2013, tons
Table 12. Volumes of tea production by regions in 2007-2013, tons
Table 13. Volumes of green tea production (non-fermented), black tea (fermented) and partially fermented tea, in packages with weight over 3 kg by the largest Russian producers in 2007-2009, tons
Table 14. Largest enterprises by sales volume by the main type of activity «tea and coffee production» (15.86) in 2009-2012, ths rubles
Table 15. Volumes of Russian tea export by months in physical terms in 2007-2013, tons
Table 16. Volumes of Russian tea export by months in cost terms in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Table 17. Volumes of tea export in physical terms in 2007-2013, tons
Table 18. Volumes of tea export in cost terms in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Table 19. Dynamics of tea export volume by countries of destination in physical terms in 2007-2013, tons
Table 20. Dynamics of tea export volume by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Table 21. Volumes of black tea export in physical terms by countries of destination in 2007-2013, tons
Table 22. Volumes of black tea export in cost terms by countries of destination in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Table 23. Volumes of green tea export in physical terms by countries of destination in 2007-2013, tons
Table 24. Volumes of green tea export in cost terms by countries of destination in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Table 25. Volumes of Russian tea import in physical terms by months
in 2007-2013, tons
Table 26. Volumes of Russian tea import in cost terms by months
in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Table 27. Volumes of tea import in physical terms in 2007-2013, tons
Table 28. Volumes of tea import in cost terms in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Table 29. Volumes of other black tea import in physical terms by supplying countries in 2009-2012, tons
Table 30. Volumes of other black tea import in cost terms by supplying countries in 2009-2012, ths dollars
Table 31. Volumes of Russian import of other black tea by the largest producing companies in 2012, tons
Table 32. TOP-20 of largest imported brands of other black tea in 2013
Table 33. Import volumes black tea in immediate packages with weight over 3 kg in physical terms by supplying countries in 2007-2013, tons
Table 34. Import volumes black tea in packages with weight over 3 kg in cost terms by supplying countries in 2007-2013, ths dollars
Table 35. TOP-20 of largest imported brands black tea in immediate packages with net weight over 3 kg in 2013
Table 36. Volumes of other green tea import in physical terms by supplying countries in 2007-2013, tons
Table 37. Volumes of other green tea import in cost terms by supplying countries in 2009-2012, ths dollars
Table 38. TOP-20 of largest imported brands of other green tea in 2013
Table 39. Volumes of green tea import in packages with weight over 3 kg in physical terms by supplying countries in 2009-2012, tons
Table 40. Volumes of green tea import in packages with weight over 3 kg in cost terms by supplying countries in 2007-2014, ths dollars
Table 41. TOP-20 of largest imported green tea brands in packages with weight over 3 kg in 2013
Table 42. Average producer prices for genuine tea (graded) packeted, by months in 2007-February 2014, rub/ton
Table 43. Average retail prices for black pekoe tea by months
in 2007-January 2014, rub/kg
Table 44. Average retail prices for black pekoe packeted tea by months in 2009-January 2014, rub/25 packs
Table 45. Rating of «favorite» tea brands of Russians in 2011-2013
Table 46. Shareholders/founders of «Nevskie porogi» LLC
Table 47. Subsidiaries of «Nevskie porogi» LLC
Table 48. Financials of «Nevskie porogi» LLC
Table 49. Balance sheet of «NEVSKIE POROGI» LLC, ths rubles
Table 50. Profit and loss statement of «NEVSKIE POROGI» LLC, ths rubles
Table 51. Cash flow statement of «NEVSKIE POROGI» LLC, ths rubles
Table 52. Dynamics of financials of «NEVSKIE POROGI» LLC
Table 55. Balance sheet of «YAKOVLEVSKAYA CHAERAZVESOCHNAYA FABRIKA» LLC, ths rubles
Table 56. Profit and loss statement of «YAKOVLEVSKAYA CHAERAZVESOCHNAYA FABRIKA» LLC, ths rubles
Table 57. Cash flow statement of «YAKOVLEVSKAYA CHAERAZVESOCHNAYA FABRIKA» LLC, ths rubles
Table 59. Shareholders/founders of «AKHMAD TEA» FACTORY» LLC
Table 60. Subsidiaries of «AKHMAD TEA» FACTORY» LLC
Table 61. Production volumes of «AKHMAD TEA» FACTORY» LLC
Table 62. Balance sheet of «AKHMAD TEA» FACTORY» LLC, ths rubles
Table 63. Profit and loss statement of «AKHMAD TEA» FACTORY» LLC, ths rubles
Table 64. Cash flow statement of «AKHMAD TEA» FACTORY» LLC, ths rubles
Table 65. Dynamics of financials of «AKHMAD TEA» FACTORY» LLC
Table 66. Shareholders of «KUBAN TEA» LLC
Table 67. Subsidiaries of «KUBAN TEA» LLC
Table 68. Balance sheet of «KUBAN TEA» LLC, ths rubles
Table 69. Profit and loss statement of «KUBAN TEA» LLC, ths rubles
Table 70. Cash flow statement of «KUBAN TEA» LLC, ths rubles
Table 71. Dynamics of financials of «KUBAN TEA» LLC
Table 72. Shareholders of «MAY» COMPANY» JSC
Table 73. Subsidiaries of «MAY» COMPANY» JSC
Table 74. Production volumes of «MAY» COMPANY» JSC
Table 75. Balance sheet of «MAY» COMPANY» JSC, ths rubles
Table 76. Profit and loss statement of «MAY» COMPANY» JSC, ths rubles
Table 77. Cash flow statement of «MAY» COMPANY» JSC, ths rubles
Table 78. Dynamics of financials of «MAY» COMPANY» JSC