1. Russian vegetables’ production
•Russia’s Federal Districts
•Domestic vegetables' production in 2000 and 2012, thousand tons
•The average productivity of the open-soil vegetables, kg/square meter
•Structure of production of vegetables, in Russia by type manufacturer
2. Russian consumer
•Dynamics of average per capita consumption of vegetables by the population of Russia
•Per capita consumption in Russia, kg/person a year
•Indicators of average per capita consumption of fresh vegetables in Russia regions in 2012, kg/person a year
•Structure of a consumer goods basket of Russians in “fresh” segment (2012)
•Average consumer prices of the main categories of vegetables in a move (jan.2011 – aug.2013)
•Average consumer prices for fresh vegetables in Russia on August 2013, rubles/kg
3. Vegetables import to Russia
•Import of main fresh vegetables and greens to Russia in 2012, thousand tons
•The basic countries-suppliers to Russia of fresh vegetables
•The basic countries-suppliers to Russia of fresh greens
4. Import of Tomatoes (Amount, tendency, average prices, main importers) in 2011 – 2013 (1 kv)
5. Import of Cucumbers (Amount, tendency, average prices, main importers) in 2011 – 2013 (1 kv)
6. Import of Potatoes (Amount, tendency, average prices, main importers) in 2011 – 2013 (1 kv)
7. Import of Cabbage (Amount, tendency, average prices, main importers) in 2011 – 2013 (1 kv)
8. Import of Carrots (Amount, tendency, average prices, main importers) in 2011 – 2013 (1 kv)
9. Import of Onions (Amount, tendency, average prices, main importers) in 2011 – 2013 (1 kv)
10. Import of Lettuce (Amount, tendency, average prices, main importers) in 2011 – 2013 (1 kv)
11. Import of Sweet Peppers (Amount, tendency, average prices, main importers) in 2011 – 2013 (1 kv)
12. Main Russian distributors of vegetables import (contacts, specialization)
13. General conclusions
14. About our company