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Russian market of fish, fish products and seafood in figures & facts (артикул: 20164 29294)

Дата выхода отчета: 25 Декабря 2011
География исследования: Россия
Период исследования:  
Количество страниц: 125
Язык отчета: Английский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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  • Полное описание отчета

    Full version of the report contains 125 slides, including 171 charts and 6 tables. Perhaps the acquisition of parts of the report, on the interested segments and categories.


    Categories for the analysis

    Parsed General categories (General): 

    Fish and bio-resources

    Fresh fish

    Frozen fish

    Fish fillets

    Smoked fish

    Canned fish and preserves



    The analyzed types of fish:

    Herring (fresh, salted)

    Cod (fresh, frozen, fillet)

    Flounder (fresh)

    Halibut (fresh)

    Salmon (fresh, frozen, smoked)

    Other salmon fish (fresh)

    Trout (fresh, frozen, smoked)


    Pollack (fresh, frozen, fillet)

    Sardines, sprats (frozen)

    Mackerel (frozen)

    Sea bass (fresh)

    Haddock (fresh)

    Tilapia fillet)

    Com (fillet)


    The analyzed species of invertebrates:

    Shrimp (not frozen, frozen)

    Crabs (not frozen, frozen)

    Lobsters (not frozen, frozen)


    Sources of  information: 


    Russian Federal Custom Service,

    Russian Statistic Agency,


    Federal fishery Agency of Russia,

    “Growth Technology” research and market’s calculations 

  • Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта

    Report Content: 


    1. Development of fishing industry in Russia (short review)


     2. Consumption of fish and seafood in Russia ( in total and by regions)


     3. Consumer prices on fish, fish products and seafood ( in General and by region)


     4. Production of fish and seafood in Russia ( in total and by species) in 2010 to July 2013


     5. Export of fish, fish products and seafood from Russia (in total and by species) in 2011 - aug.2013


     6. Import of fish, fish products and seafood to Russia (in total and by species) in 2011 - aug. 2013


     7. Main Russian distributors of fish


     8. General conclusions


     9. Information about the company Growth Technology

  • Перечень приложений


    Structure of the global fish and seafood catching in-kind

    Dynamics of financial indicators of Russian enterprises of fish industry

    Dynamics of the number of fishing enterprises and employed personnel in the Russia

    Catch of fish and bio-resources by Russian fishermen, thousand tons/year

    Structure of a fish catch in Russia in 2012 in-kind

    Catch of fish in different regions of Russia in January-July, 2013

    Amount of a catch of a few fish types in Russia in 2012 and 2013, thousand tons

    Amount of invertebrates catch in 2012 and 2013, thousand tons

    Share of the food cost in Russia

    Average per capita consumption of fish and fish products in Russian regions in 2013, RUB/ person per month

    Per capita consumption of fish and seafood in Russia on the average and in Moscow, kg / person per year

    Per capita consumption of fish and fish products in Russian regions in 2012, kg / person per year

    Structure of purchases of fish and seafood by consumers in shops in Russian Federation

    Per capita consumption of fish and seafood in Russia, kg /year

    Dynamics of consumer prices of fish and fish products, RUB / kg

    Dynamics of consumer prices of frozen fish, RUB / kg

    Consumer prices of fish and fish products in July 2013, RUB

    Consumer prices of fish and fish products in July 2013, RUB

    Surplus of consumer prices in the Russian Federation for 2,5 years

    Average consumer prices for chilled fish in stores in Moscow in November 2013, $/kg

    Dynamics of production of fresh and frozen fish in Russia, thousand tons / year

    Dynamics of production of smoked fish in Russia, thousand tons / year

    The volume of production of canned fish and seafood in Russia, million cans

    The volume of production of shrimp, crabs and oysters in Russia, thousands of tons

    The volume of production of crustaceans in Russia, thousands of tons

    Dynamics of production of frozen herring and its products in Russia, thousand tons / year

    The volume of exported fish and seafood from Russia, tons

    The volume of exported fish and seafood  from Russia, $ thousand

    The structure of exported fish and seafood in 2013 in-kind

    Main recipient countries of exported fish to Russia in 2012 in-kind

    The average price of exported fish from Russia by category, $ / kg

    Structure of export of frozen fish by major recipient countries in 2012 in kind

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of frozen fish supply from Russia

    Structure of exports of frozen fish species in 2012 in kind

    The average price of export deliveries of frozen fish species in 2012 and 2013

    Seasonality of export frozen fish from Russia

    The price of export frozen fish in 2012, on the basic countries recipient, $/kg

    Structure of export of frozen Pollock by major recipient countries in 2012 in kind

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of frozen Pollock supply

    Structure of export of frozen salmon on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of frozen salmon supply

    Structure of export of frozen cod on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Structure of export of frozen cod on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Structure of export of frozen mackerel on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of frozen mackerel supply from Russia

    Structure of export of fresh & chilled fish  by major recipient countries in 2012 in kind

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of fresh & chilled fish  supply

    Structure of export of fresh fish from Russia by weight in 2012

    The average price of export deliveries of fresh fish species in 2012 and 2013

    Seasonality of export of fresh & chilled fish

    The price of export  of fresh & chilled fish in 2012, on the basic countries recipient $/kg

    Structure of export of fresh Pollock by major recipient countries in 2012 in kind

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of fresh Pollock supply

    Structure of export of fresh & chilled herring  by major recipient countries in 2012 in kind

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of fresh & chilled herring supply

    Structure of export of fresh & chilled flounder by major recipient countries in 2012 in kind

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of fresh & chilled flounder supply

    Structure of export of fresh & chilled salmon by major recipient countries in 2012 in kind

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of fresh & chilled salmon supply

    Structure of export of fillets of fish in 2012 (by weight)

    The average price of export deliveries fillet of fish species in 2012 and 2013

    Structure of export of fish fillet by major recipient countries in 2012 in kind

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of fish fillet supply

    Seasonality of export fish fillet from Russia

    The price of export fish fillet in 2012, on the basic countries recipient $/kg

    Structure of export of frozen Pollock fillet by major recipient countries in 2012 in kind

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of frozen fish Pollock fillet

    Structure of export of frozen cod fillet by major recipient countries in 2012 in kind

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of frozen fish cod fillet

    Structure of export of crustaceans on the basic countries-addressees in 2012

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of delivery of crustaceans

    Export structure by types of crustaceans in 2012 weight

    The price of export supplies by types of crustaceans in 2012-2013

    Seasonality export crustaceans from Russia

    The export price of crustaceans in 2012, on the basic countries-addressees $/kg

    Structure of export of not frozen crabs on the basic countries-addressees in 2012

    Dynamics of the volume of exports and the average price of delivery of not frozen crabs

    Structure of export of frozen crabs on the basic countries-addressees in 2012

    Dynamics of the volume of exports and the average price of delivery of frozen crabs

    Structure of export of frozen shrimp on the basic countries-addressees in 2013

    Dynamics of export volume and the average price of deliveries of frozen shrimp

    The volume of import of fish and seafood to Russia, tons

    Structure of import of fish and seafood in-kind

    Structure of imports of fish and seafood in terms of money

    Main supplier countries of fish and seafood in Russia in 2012 in-kind

    Main supplier countries of fish and seafood in 2012 in terms of money

    The average price of import to Russia in 2012 and 2013 by category,  $ / kg

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of fresh fish supply to Russia

    Structure of fresh fish import to Russia among the main supplier countries in 2012

    Structure of import of fresh fish in 2013 (Jan-Aug)

    The price of deliveries to Russia of some species of fresh fish in 2012 and 2013

    Seasonality of import of fresh & chilled fish to Russia

    The price of import of fresh & chilled fish in 2012, on the basic countries  $/kg

    Dynamics of imports volume and the average price of deliveries of fresh trout

    Structure of import of fresh trout on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of imports volume and the average price of deliveries of fresh Salmon

    Structure of fresh Salmon import on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of imports volume and the average price of deliveries of fresh sea bass

    Structure of import of fresh sea bass on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of imports volume and the average price of deliveries of fresh haddock to Russia

    Structure of import of fresh haddock on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of fresh halibut supply

    Structure of fresh halibut import among the main supplier countries in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of fresh flounder supply

    Structure of fresh flounder import among the main supplier countries in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of fresh cod supply

    Structure of fresh cod import among the main supplier countries in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of fresh herring supply

    Structure of fresh herring import among the main supplier countries in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of other fresh salmon supply

    Structure of other fresh salmon import among the main supplier countries in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of frozen fish supply to Russia

    Structure of import of frozen fish to Russia among main supplier countries in 2012

    Structure of import of frozen fish in 2012

    The price of deliveries of some species of frozen fish in 2012 and 2013

    Seasonality of import frozen fish to Russia

    The price of import frozen fish in 2012, on the basic countries  $/kg

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of deliveries of frozen Mackerel

    Structure of import of frozen Mackerel on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of imports volume and the average price of deliveries of frozen Salmon

    Structure of import of frozen Salmon on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of imports volume and the average price of deliveries of frozen trout

    Structure of import of frozen trout on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Import dynamics and the average price of deliveries sardines and frozen sprat

    Structure of import of frozen sardines and sprat on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of fish fillet supply to Russia

    Structure of import of fish fillet to Russia among main supplier countries in 2012

    Structure of import of fish fillets in Russia in 2012

    The average price of the delivery of frozen fish fillet in 2012 and 2013

    Seasonality of import fish fillet to Russia

    The price of import fish fillet to Russia in 2012, on the basic countries  $/kg

    Dynamics of the volume of imports and the average price of deliveries tilapia fillet frozen

    Structure of import of frozen tilapia fillet on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of the volume of imports and the average price of deliveries frozen catfish fillet in Russia

    Import structure frozen catfish fillet in Russia on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of imports volume and the average price of deliveries of frozen Pollock fillet

    Structure of frozen Pollock fillet  import on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of smoked fish supply

    Structure of import of smoked fish among main supplier countries in 2012

    Structure of import of smoked fish in Russia by kinds in 2012

    The average price of delivery of smoked fish in the Russia

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of smoked salmon supply

    Structure of import of smoked salmon among main supplier countries in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of smoked trout supply

    Structure of import of smoked trout among main supplier countries in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of smoked herring supply

    Structure of import of smoked herring among main supplier countries in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of ready-made and canned fish supply

    Structure of import of ready-made and canned fish among main supplier countries in 2012

    Structure of import of ready-made and canned fish in Russia by kinds in 2012

    Structure of import of ready and tinned fish to value in 2012

    Dynamics of the volume of imports and the average price of delivery of ready-made sardine, anchovy, sprat

    Structure of import of ready-made sardine, anchovy, sprat on the basic countries-suppliers in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of ready-made herring supply

    Structure of import of ready-made herring among main supplier countries in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of fresh seafood supply to Russia

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of frozen seafood supply to Russia

    Structure of import of fresh seafood to Russia among main supplier countries in 2012

    Structure of import of frozen seafood to Russia among main supplier countries in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of fresh shrimps supply

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of frozen shrimps supply

    Structure of import of fresh shrimps among main supplier countries

    Structure of import of frozen shrimps among main supplier countries

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of fresh crabs supply

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of frozen crabs supply

    Structure of import of fresh crabs to Russia among main supplier countries in 2012

    Structure of import of frozen crabs to Russia among main supplier countries in 2012

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of fresh lobsters supply

    Dynamics of import volume and the average price of frozen lobsters supply

    Structure of import of fresh lobsters among main supplier countries in 2012

    Structure of import of frozen lobsters among main supplier countries in 2012


    Таблицы "Russian market of fish, fish products and seafood in figures & facts"


    21 Main Russian distributors of fish

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Навигация по разделу маркетинговые исследования
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Без маркетингового исследования невозможно себе представить эффективную работу любого коммерческого предприятия. Поэтому точные исследования являются огромным конкурентным преимуществом. Так как маркетинговое исследование подразумевает целый комплекс работ, включающий в себя поиск, сбор, систематизацию и анализ данных на рынке, то самостоятельное его проведение не представляется эффективным. Выгоднее купить уже готовый маркетинговый отчёт или заказать индивидуальное исследование рынка. В нашем каталоге вы найдёте рыночные исследования практически по всем отраслям экономики и сможете скачать их сразу после оплаты. Наши специалисты также готовы подготовить индивидуальное исследование рынка по интересующему Вас товару или услуге.