List of schedules
Schedule 1. Population in Russia in 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2008-2012, ths. peop.
Schedule 2. Dynamics of the population size in Russia in 3 scenarios in 2011-2031, ths. peop.
Schedule 3. Dynamics of actual disposable money profit and its annual growth rate in 2000-2012, %
Schedule 4. Dynamics of demographic burden ratio in three scenarios in 2011-2031
Schedule 5. Dynamics of unemployed population number in economically active population by federal districts of RF in 2006-2012, %
Schedule 6. Dynamics of GDP in Russia in the prices of 2008 and 2002-2012 and its forecast for 2013-2015, bln. rub.
Schedule 7. Fixed capital investment in RF in 2002-2012 and its forecast for 2013-2015, bln. rub.
Schedule 8. Fulfilled consolidated budget surplus/deficit in RF in 2006-2012, % of GDP
Schedule 9. Dynamics of RF total external debt and its GDP share in 2009-2013 (as for 1st January), bln. USD.
Schedule 10. Dynamics of consumer price index in 2006-2012 and its forecast for 2013-2015, % by the same period in the previous years
Schedule 11. Dynamics of population in Russia and in the world in 2000-2012 and its forecast until 2100, bln. peop.
Schedule 12. RF share in the world GDP in 2001-2012 and its forecast for 2013-2016, %
Schedule 13. Dynamics of index of production on type of economic activity «Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water» in 1992-2012, %
Schedule 14. Sales dynamics on type of economic activity «Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water» in RF in 2007-2013*, bln. rub.
Schedule 15. Dynamics of gross profit margin on type of economic activity «Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water» in RF in 2007-2013*, bln. rub.
Schedule 16. Sales dynamics on type of economic activity «Production and distribution of fuel gas» in RF in 2007-2013*, bln. rub.
Schedule 17. Dynamics of gross profit margin on type of economic activity «Production and distribution of fuel gas» in RF in 2007-2013*, bln. rub.
Schedule 18. Losses share at the stage of transportation and consumption by types of energy resources in 2011, %
Schedule 19. Degree of depreciation of the main funds in separate economy sectors in 2012, %
Schedule 20. Structure of electricity production in UES branches in Russia by types of generation in 2012, %
Schedule 21. Structure of electricity consumption in RF in 2011, %
Schedule 22. Regions with the maximum number of energy losses in power networks in 2011, %
Schedule 23. Regions with the minimum number of energy losses in power networks in 2011, %
Schedule 24. Share of power networks which have fulfilled their standard period, %
Schedule 25. Dynamics of electricity consumption in 2008-2013*, trln. kWh
Schedule 26. Tariffs for electricity in different types of houses by federal districts of RF in the 1st half a year of 2013, rub.
Schedule 27. Dynamics of competitive tenders and value procured on type of activity «Energy efficient lighting» in 2012
Schedule 28. Dynamics of the demand for electricity in 2012-2013* and its forecast for 2014-2016, bln. kWh
Schedule 29. Dynamics of production and domestic consumption of natural gas in Russia in 2010-2013*, and its forecast for 2014-2016, bln. m3
List of diagrams
Diagram 1. Structure of the population in Russia in relation to working age in 2011-2031, % (medium scenario)
Diagram 2. Dynamics of employed and unemployed population number in Russia in 2000-2012 and its forecast for 2013-2015, mln. people
Diagram 3. Changes in the structure of external debt of RF in 2009-2013(as for 1st January), %
Diagram 4. Structure of energy resources by types in 2011, %
Diagram 5. Final consumption of main energy resources by industries in 2011, %
Diagram 6. Structure of electricity consumption by federal districts of RF in 2012, %
Diagram 7. Regional structure of electricity consumption in RF in в 2012, %
Diagram 8. Structure of produced gas by «Gazprom» Group by groups of consumers in 2011-2012, %
Diagram 9. Changes in the structure of tenders on type of activity «Efficient energy» by quarters of 2012, %
Diagram 10. Changes in the structure of value procured on type of activity «Efficient energy» by quarters of 2012, %
Diagram 11. Energy saving potential in the Russian economy, %
Diagram 12. Gas saving potential in the Russian economy, %
List of tables
Table 1. Population of the largest Russian cities according to the National Census in 2002 and 2010 and by 1 September 2013, ths. peop.
Table 2. Sales result on type of economic activity «Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water» in RF regions in 2007-Sept 2013, bln. rub.
Table 3. Amount of profit on type of economic activity «Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water» in RF regions in 2007-Sept 2013, mln. rub.
Table 4. Sales result on type of economic activity «Production and distribution of fuel gas» in RF regions in 2007-Sept 2013, mln. rub.
Table 5. Amount of profit on type of economic activity «Production and distribution of fuel gas» in RF regions in 2007-Sept 2013, ths. rub.
Table 6. Energy resources balance in Russia in 2011, mln. tons c.e.
Table 7. Structure of energy resources distribution by consumption types in 2011, mln. tons c.e.
Table 8. Electricity production and consumption balance in RF regions in 2011, mln. kWh
Table 9. Volumes of electricity consumption by federal districts of RF in 2008-2012, mln. kWh
Table 10. Volumes of electricity consumption in regions of RF in 2008-2012, mln. kWh
Table 11. Index of «Gazprom» Group activity for 2011-2012
Table 12. Index of «FGC UES» OJSC activity
Table 13. Index of «Inter RAO UES» activity in 2012
Table 14. The largest companies in terms of sales results on type of economic activity «Production, transmission and distribution of electricity» in 2012
Table 15. The largest companies in terms of sales results on type of economic activity «Production and distribution of fuel gas» in 2012
Table 16. Tariffs for supplying the population with pipeline gas in regions of RF in the 1st half a year of 2010-2013, rub.
Table 17. Tariffs for supplying the population with electricity in houses with gas stoves in regions of RF in the 1st half a year in 2010-2013, rub.
Table 18. Shareholders/founder members of «Mosenergo» OJSC
Table 19. Subsidiaries of «Mosenergo» OJSC
Table 20. Balance sheet of «Mosenergo» OJSC , ths. rub.
Table 21. Profit and loss statement of «Mosenergo» OJSC , ths. rub.
Table 22. Cash flow statement of «Mosenergo» OJSC , ths. rub.
Table 23. Dynamics of financial activity of «Mosenergo» OJSC
Table 24. Shareholders/founder members of «FGC UES» OJSC
Table 25. Subsidiaries of «FGC UES» OJSC
Table 26. Balance sheet of «FGC UES» OJSC, ths. rub.
Table 27. Profit and loss statement of «FGC UES» OJSC, ths. rub.
Table 28. Cash flow statement of «FGC UES» OJSC, ths. rub.
Table 29. Dynamics of financial activity of «FGC UES» OJSC
Table 30. Shareholders/founder members of «Inter RAO» OJSC
Table 31. Subsidiaries of «Inter RAO» OJSC
Table 32. Balance sheet of «Inter RAO» OJSC, ths. rub.
Table 33. Profit and loss statement of «Inter RAO» OJSC, ths. rub.
Table 34. Cash flow statement of «Inter RAO» OJSC, ths. rub.
Table 35. Dynamics of financial activity of «Inter RAO» OJSC
Table 36. Forecast of Russian economy development for 2014-2016
Table 37. Forecast for prize of oil and gas for 2014-2016
Table 38. Volume of light points subject to modernization
List of schemes
Scheme 1. Methods of energy and energy material consumption
Scheme 2. Legal regulation of the energy saving market in Russia
Scheme 3. Factors hindering the development of energy saving and energy efficiency in Russia