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Бесплатная аналитика

Industrial construction and Russian market of industrial construction. Current situation and forecast (артикул: 15624 29294)

Дата выхода отчета: 5 Февраля 2013
География исследования: Россия
Период исследования:  
Количество страниц: 102
Язык отчета: Английский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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    Regions of research: RUSSIA/REGIONS OF RF

    Main blocks of research:







    Information sources used:

    Federal State Statistics Service

    Ministry of Economic Development

    Federal Customs Service

    Federal Tax Service

    Field’s expert evaluations

    Administration of entities of RF

    Field’s printed and electronic publications

    The research contains 32 schedules, 22 diagram, 22 tables.


    Today development of certain sectors of the real estate market is uneven and unstable. Housing construction market develops relatively quickly, and only recently some reactivation was marked on the market of commercial and industrial real estate.

    Rate of growth of industrial construction is one of the conditions of successful state economy development. Construction of new industrial objects attracts foreign investments to the market and allows Russian companies to develop in related sectors. According to experts, today a growth of the demand for industrial objects in Russia was marked.

    In recent years Russia as Western countries began to construct industrial technology parks and industrial and logistics centers. There are examples of such parks in Leningrad (Industrial park «Prinevskiy Tekhnopark»), Kaluga («Obninsk»), Yaroslavl Regions («Novoselki»)

    The concept of technology parks development, which often accommodate foreign residents, is to build its own production and related facilities, as well as using of the services of logistics companies. Warehouse centers in industrial parks as in industrial plants are designed to serve the residents of the park.

    Objects of industrial construction also include production of cars, objects of light, food and woodworking industries. Work is performed in many regions: actively Kaluga and Novgorod, and regions close to both capitals build homes actively. Developers are usually carefully choosing the site of future construction. After all, they need to solve a number of problems: on the one hand, to build the company out of the city, on the other hand - to make communications available, third - to think of the future workforce.

    It should be emphasized that Russia does not only construct new industrial buildings. Currently industrial enterprises are revived and built.  

    The share of industrial buildings amounted to 15% in total volume of non-residential buildings. At the same time construction volume of these buildings amounts to a quarter of all commissioned buildings (27,4%), and is a little below the share of commercial buildings (29,2%). It is interesting that commercial real estate prevail in quantitative terms, having over the 37% of all constructions, at the same time they share their presence with agricultural and industrial buildings.

    Tyumen and Sverdlovsk Regions in 2012 had *,4% and 7,3% respectively of the volume of commissioned non-residential real estate. Volume of real estate fund in Republic of Tatarstan amounted to *,1% of all-Russian parameter. Shares of Tver and Kemerovo Regions did not exceed 5,6% and **%.

  • Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта



    1.1. Population of Russia

    Number of population

    The largest cities

    Social standards of living dynamics

    Economic activity

    1.2. Economic situation

    Dynamics of economy development

    Stability of the state budget

    1.3. Position of Russia in the world

    Share of RF in the world population


    2.1. Industrial parks in Russia

    2.2. Construction materials production

    2.3. Other objects of industrial construction

    2.4. Factors, influencing investment attractiveness of the object

    2.5. Factors, limiting investment activity in industrial construction


    3.1. Change of industrial production rates in federal districts

    3.2. Change of industrial production rates in regions of RF

    3.3. Industrial production rates by branches


    4.1. Structure of activity by federal districts

    4.2. Structure of activity by regions of RF


    5.1. Long-term financial investments into buildings and structures construction

    Volumes of long-term financial investments by years

    Volumes of long-term financial investments in federal districts of RF

    Structure of long-term financial investments by federal districts of RF

    Volumes of long-term financial investments in regions of RF

    Regional structure of long-term financial investments

    5.2. Investment volume into non-residential buildings construction

    Volumes of investments in federal districts of RF

    Structure of investments by federal districts of RF

    Volumes of investments in regions of RF

    Regional structure of investments

    5.3.Volume of foreign investments into buildings and structures constructionin Russia

    Dynamics of cumulative investments into buildings and structures in general

    Dynamics of investments, received in the accounting period

    Dynamics of the volume of investments into buildings and structures, besides residential

    Volumes of foreign investments in federal districts of RF, received in the accounting period

    Structure of foreign investments by federal districts of RF

    Volumes of foreign investments in regions of RF

    Regional structure of foreign investments

    Structure of foreign investments by types


    6.1. Volume of real estate fund under construction by years

    6.2. Volume of real estate fund under construction in federal districts of RF

    6.3. Structure of volume of real estate fund under construction by federal districts of RF

    6.4. Volumes of real estate fund under construction in regions of RF

    6.5. Regional structure of volume of real estate fund under construction


    7.1. Share of industrial buildings in total volume of commissioned non-residential real estate

    7.2. Volume of commissioned industrial buildings by years

    7.3. Volume of commissioned industrial buildings in federal districts of RF

    7.4. Structure of volume of commissioned non-residential real estate by federal districts of RF

    7.5. Volume of commissioned industrial buildings in regions of RF

    7.6. Regional structure of volume of commissioned non-residential real estate



  • Перечень приложений

    List of schedules

    1. Dynamics of resident population number of Russia in 2000, 2005, 2010 and forecast for 2015 and 2020, ths people

    2. Dynamics of actual household disposable income in Russia in 2000-2010, %

    3. Forecast of the ratio of demographic load dynamics in 2011-2033

    4. Dynamics of number of employed and unemployed people in RF in 2006-2010, ths people

    5. Dynamics of share of the unemployed in economically active population by FD of RF in 2006-2010, %

    6. Dynamics of GDP of RF in prices of 2008 in2001-2011, billion rubles

    7. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2001-2010

    8. Surplus/deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006-2010, %

    9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF 2001-2010

    10. Dynamics of the Russian external debt structure by the main sectors in 2001-2010, %

    11. Consumer prices index in RF 2001-2010, %

    12. Share of RF in the population of the world in 2000-2010 and forecast until 2100

    13. Share of RF in the world GDP in 2000-2010 and forecast for 2011-2016, %

    15. Construction of non-residential real estate in the structure of construction organizations activity in the largest regions of RF in the third quarter of 2012, %

    16. Dynamics of the volume of long-term financial investments into construction of buildings and structures in Russia in 2006-2012*, mln rubles

    17. Dynamics of long-term financial investments into construction of buildings and structures in the largest federal districts of RF in 2006-2011, mln rubles

    18. Dynamics of long-term financial investments into construction of buildings and structures in regions of RF in 2006-2011, mln rubles

    19. Dynamics of the volume of investments into construction of buildings and structures, besides residential in 2006-2012*, mln rubles

    20. Dynamics of investments into construction of buildings and structures, besides residential in the largest federal districts of RF in 2006-2011, mln rubles

    21. Dynamics of the volume of investments from foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures in regions of RF in 2006-2011, ths dollars

    22. Dynamics of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures, accumulated in the accounting period in 2006-2012, ths dollars

    23. Dynamics of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures, received in the accounting period in 2006-2012, ths dollars

    24. Dynamics of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures, besides residential in 2006-2012, ths dollars

    25. Dynamics of the volume of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures, besides residential, in RF in 2006-2012, ths dollars

    26. Dynamics of the volume of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures in the largest federal districts of RF in 2006-2011, ths dollars

    27. Dynamics of the volume of investments from foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures in regions of RF in 2006-2011, ths dollars

    28. Dynamics of volume of real estate fund under construction in Russia in 2006-2011, units

    29. Dynamics of volume of real estate fund under construction in Russia in the largest federal districts of RF in 2006-2011, units

    30. Dynamics of volume of commissioned non-residential real estate in Russia in 2006-2012*, units

    31. Dynamics of volume of commissioned non-residential real estate in Russia in the largest federal districts of RF in 2006-2011, units

    32. Dynamics of volume of commissioned non-residential real estate by regions of RF in 2006-2011, units


    List of diagrams

    1. Structure of construction organizations activity directions in Russia in the third quarter of 2012, %

    2. Structure of long-term financial investments into construction of buildings and structures by federal districts in 2012*, %

    3. Change of structure of long-term financial investments into construction of buildings and structures by federal districts in 2006-2011, %

    4. Regional structure of long-term financial investments into construction of buildings and structures in 2012*, %

    5. Change of regional structure of long-term financial investments into construction of buildings and structures in 2006-2011, %

    6. Structure of investments into construction of buildings and structures, besides residential, by federal districts in 2012*, %

    7. Regional structure of investments into construction of buildings and structures, besides residential, in 2012*, %

    8. Structure of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures, accumulated in the accounting period by countries of origin in 2012*, %

    9. Structure of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures by federal districts in 2012*, %

    10. Change of structure of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures by federal districts in 2006-2011, %

    11. Regional structure of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures, received in the accounting period in 2012*, %

    12. Change of regional structure of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures in 2006-2011, %

    13. Structure of foreign investments by types in 2011, %

    14. Structure of volume of real estate fund under construction in Russia by federal districts in 2011, %

    15. Change of structure of volume of real estate fund under construction in Russia by federal districts in 2006-2011, %

    16. Regional structure of volume of real estate fund under construction in Russia in 2011, %

    17. Change of regional structure of volume of real estate fund under construction in 2006-2011, %

    18. Structure of non-residential real estate commissioning by types in Russia in January-September 2012, %

    19. Structure of volume of commissioned non-residential real estate in Russia by federal districts in 2012*, %

    20. Change of structure of volume of commissioned non-residential real estate in Russia by federal districts in 2006-2011, %

    21. Regional structure of volume of commissioned non-residential real estate in Russia in 2012*, %

    22. Change of regional structure of volume of commissioned non-residential real estate in 2006-2011, %


    List of tables

    1. Population number of the largest cities of Russia according to Russian general census of 2010, ths. people

    2. Volumes of additional production capacities by construction materials production up to 2020 by federal districts

    3. Assessment criteria of investment attractiveness of the company

    4. Rate of growth of industrial production in federal districts in 2006-2012, %

    5. Rate of growth of industrial production in regions of RF in 2006-2012, %

    6. Structure of construction organizations activity directions in federal districts of RF in the third quarter of 2012, %

    7. Structure of construction organizations activity directions in regions of RF in the third quarter of 2012, %

    8. Dynamics of the volume of long-term financial investments in federal districts of RF in 2006- September 2012, mln rubles

    9. Volumes of long-term financial investments into construction of buildings and structures in regions of RF in 2006-September 2012, mln rubles

    10. Dynamics of the volume of investments into construction of buildings and structures, besides residential, in federal districts of RF in 2006- September 2012, mln rubles

    11. Dynamics of the volume of investments into construction of buildings and structures, besides residential, in regions of RF in 2006- September 2012, mln rubles

    12. Volumes of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures by countries in 2006- September 2012, ths dollars

    13. Volumes of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures by countries, received in the accounting period in 2006- September 2012, ths dollars

    14. Volumes of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures, besides residential, by countries in 2006- September 2012, ths dollars

    15. Dynamics of foreign investments volume in the largest federal districts of RF in 2006-September 2012, ths dollars

    16. Volumes of foreign investments into construction of buildings and structures in regions of RF in 2006- September 2012, ths dollars

    17. Dynamics of volume of real estate fund under construction in the largest federal districts of RF in 2006-2011, units

    18. Volumes of real estate fund under construction in regions of RF in 2006-2011, units

    19. Dynamics of volume of real estate fund under construction by regions of RF in 2006-2011, units

    20. Volumes of non-residential real estate commissioning by types in Russia in January-September 2012

    21. Dynamics of volume of commissioned non-residential real estate in federal districts of RF in 2006-September 2012, units

    22. Volumes of commissioned industrial buildings in regions of RF in 2009-September 2012, units

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